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After spending two hours of looking at the security camera footage, Heeseung finally finds out a honourable person of who kidnapped Sunoo. He immediately packed up his stuff and left the dorm without letting anyone notice. 

It's quite cold but Heeseung doesn't care, he must find Sunoo and get him back, no matter what will happen. The closer he gets to an old building the more voices he hears. He's a bit too far away to hear what the people are saying so he gets closer and closer until he bumps onto something.

"A-auw!" The person whisper yells and pulls Heeseung down on top of him. The older his eyes widen and looks straight into the others face, recognising his face immediately. Heeseung wants to talk but the person covers his mouth and holds him tight. "Gosh Heeseung, i know you wanna yell at me"

"J-Jake!!" Heeseung mumbles against Jake's hand and backs away, laying next to Jake. The whole mood switches immediately for the both of them knowing that they both found out who kidnapped Sunoo. This will be an interesting mission or how they see it like, an competition. "What the heck are you doing here?"

"Obviously doing the same as you, did you forget i kinda dared you to do this?? It's only fucked up that you're here too"

"How can you call this a dare?? If something bad happens to Sunoo i'll blame you and make your life horrible."

"Yeah yeah" Jake rolls his eyes and a voice seems to get louder and louder. The first instinct the Heeseung has is to cover themselves with his jacket and Jake didn't see that coming. They look into each others eyes, eyes that really don't lie, eyes that are speaking different words than the words they've been telling each other. Heeseung wraps an arm around Jake's waist and pulls him closer. The voice seems to walk away again so they're safe again. "H-heeseung... they're gone... we should try to go inside..."

"Yeah... s-sorry... it was just a close call..." Heeseung let's Jake go and pulls back his jacket. Before he knows he sees Jake get up and sprint over to the back door where everyone has left. It takes some seconds before Heeseung gets over to the back door too. 

"Okay you take the left side of the building and i take the right side of the building, let the best bodyguard win~"

"Stop making this a competition" Heeseung says and Jake turns around with a smirk. The younger places his hands on Heeseung's shoulders and leans in to whisper into his ear. 

"I know you secretly like it~ It's more exciting for you right and you're head bodyguard for a reason~ Goodluck" And with that Jake disappears into the building, leaving a Heeseung that starts to heat up. The older boy sighs and takes a deep breath before getting into the building.

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