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"Why are we gonna watch a horror movie...?" Jake asks as Sunghoon sits him down on the couch and further he gets no answer. The other boys are busy laying blankets everywhere and prepping up some popcorn. Jake just looks around like a lost puppy and waits until he finally gets an answer.

"We do this every now and then, it's been some time and we're happy that you can join us" Jay says as he puts down three bowls of popcorn on the table. He then takes a seat on the big chair and immediately Jungwon sits on his lap. "Y-ya!! You're heavy!!"

"Hmmm but i kinda sitting here" Jungwon says and wiggles around to find the most comfortable spot on Jay's lap. Jay sighs and wraps a blanket around them. 

"Don't move further or else i'll kick you off"

"Yeah yeah deal~" Jungwon says with a giggle. Ni-ki and Sunghoon also finally sit down on the couch next to Jake. Ni-ki goes to Netflix and picks a horror movie, Jake has never heard of it but he's also not interested.

(If you like horror, imagine them looking at a horror movie you like)

We're almost halfway through the movie and the whole vibe has changed. Sunghoon and Ni-ki have slipped of the couch, now sitting on the ground while holding onto each other for their dear life. Jay and Jungwon also are holding each other, it's a big yet small chair so they're literally glued together on it. And Jake just holds onto a pillow and looks away when something scary comes on screen.

It stays silent for some moments until they hear a voice that's not from the movie. Every yells and popcorn starts to fly around.

"Gosh guys it's just me Heeseung, why are you even watching a horror movie??"

"My freaking heck!! Ya!!!! Don't scare us like that!!" Ni-ki yells and Heeseung rolls his eyes. Everyone's eyes land back on the movie and it seems like nothing ever happened. Heeseung wants walk away but Jake grabs his hand.

"Can you please... stay....?" Jake looks behind to look at Heeseung, who clearly is debating about whether he should stay or not. Before he can answer he already walks over to sit next to Jake on the couch, hands still holding each other. Jake smiles lightly and puts the blanket over Heeseung too.

The movie starts to get scarier and scarier and Jake honestly doesn't know if he's gonna take it anymore. A big jumpscare comes and he immediately hides behind Heeseung, making Heeseung chuckle, something he doesn't do often. They're still holding hands so Heeseung starts to soft rub the top of Jake's hand to calm him down.

"It's gone Jake" Heeseung whispers loud enough for Jake to hear it. Jake backs away for a bit and looks around at the others who still have their eyes on the movie. Heeseung turns his head to Jake, thinking that he's further away but that's not the case. Their nose touch and they can feel each other's breath on their skin. For a split second the thought of kissing Heeseung rushes through Jake's brain. Heeseung just waits until something happens but sadly something else happens. The climax of the movie reaches and everyone starts screaming again.

"OKAY IM DONE WITH THIS MOVIE" Ni-ki yells and runs away towards his room, the others laughing and the two on the couch being very confused.

"So close..."

𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗺𝘆 𝘀𝗽𝗼𝘁 • 𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗷𝗮𝗸𝗲Where stories live. Discover now