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"Now why did you invite me??" Jake asks out of curiosity as he sits down on Sunoo's bed. Sunoo just smiles lightly and sits next to Jake on his bed, then he hands Jake some letters. Jake accepts them but then frowns as he doesn't know why the prince hands him this. "I think this will answer a lot of questions about Heeseung and his family situation. When Heeseung first came here he was a silent boy who was the best, i clearly saw that the exercises and fighting were an anger outlet for him, the more weeks that went on the more he became like the person you know from the beginning... reason?? the letters of his mom, threatening and brainwashing, he showed me them all because he trusted me, i was his only real friend, that's why he's more loose with my family than with the others, luckily she stopped writing but apparently she wrote one again... im here to tell you that you're finally his escape, Heeseung is free with me but i've never seen him this free, sweet and caring, he deserves you in his life even though he doesn't think that right now... you are the only one that can put these brainwashing thoughts out of his head..."

"But i'm scared he can't accept it... after hearing this im sure he won't ever let me in again... i'm his first love so he doesn't how love feels like, he is my first love and even i am clueless... yes i've fought for my place but look at how i started, i was rank D, the worst in Heeseung's eyes, yes he weakened because he was starting to like... before you know we'll compete again... he'll be the only head bodyguard and i'll just drown in his work, i-i really love him and i wanna fight for him but this situation is new for me and i just don't know anymore... i've been sleeping on the couch for a week now and Heeseung hasn't left his room at all"

"You two have a strong past but such a strong past that you two will keep on fighting for each other, i get that you're scared but as you know you need to follow Heeseung around until he listens to you, keep it subtle but strong, i believe in you because look at you how, head bodyguard in such a short time, struggles or no struggles, Heeseung opened up to you and that's a big deal so don't let yourself stop fighting, keep on going and you'll get him, it's worth it, believe me, me and Ni-ki also been fighting but then in another way"

"So you two are officially a thing..??"

"We are but don't change the subject, it's all about you and Heeseung now"

"You changed it yourself... okay... i'll keep on fighting for him... it hurts me seeing him like this which i find funny because first i found him scary but now it hurts me, maybe because i know more off his story now, i'll definitely read these and i hope everything will work..."

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