Don't I love being insane?

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I sit down on the chair behind my desk. Kicking my legs up onto the desk, scattering paper everywhere. They were important...oh well. I just shrug.

If I wanted to, I could wipe out the entire mafia population, but what fun is there if you're the only mafia with no challenges? So I put up with the small gangs.

My nails clink against the wine glass. Taking a sip, just the slightest to wet my lips. 18, not a legal age to drink, but then again, mafia's are also illegal.

So is killing, illegal shipments, gang fights, street fighting, racing. The list goes on and on, I don't run out. Compared to what I have done, this is not a problem.

The door to my office bangs open and Leonid stomps in with an angry face. I smirk, the wine spilling over the edges of the glass as I twirl it around in my fingers.

"Do you know how dangerous that was? Why did you pull a stunt like that when you could just have gotten whatever you wanted by asking?" Putting the glass down I stare.

Straight into his eyes as they have anger in them. He tugs at his hair, then slicks it back again. Hands on my desk, he leans in and I also lean forward. Never back.

I never go back from what I do. I admit what I have done, but it doesn't matter because usually whoever is in front of me dies. Well except Leonid. I don't want to kill him.

"The thrill Leo, don't you get it? The fun of it all." He looks at me with a 'are you crazy bi$ch?' face. I have to confess, I very well might be crazy, just a hint of insane.

But I like me as me.

"You could have asked them for the book and they would have handed it right over, seeing as they cannot say no. But instead, you broke in, fighting guards, leaving dead bodies."

I nod, he pauses. I wave my hand for him to keep going. He just rolls his eyes. "The sensors were caught, you left a mess Sia. Do you know how hard it is to take care of dead bodies?"

I start laughing uncontrollably, I can't help it. The whine in his voice sounds like a child acting up when they are refused candy. "But all those useless things besides, it was brilliant. How did you manage it?"

This is exactly why we click together. "I know right? It took a few weeks to plan but everything went smoothly. You should have seen the looks on the guards faces as they were being shot!"

Leo picks up my wine glass and takes a sip. I scowl, my favorite wine being stolen by a pig. A handsome pig but a pig nonetheless. Leo watches me scowling at him and he grins.

"Your wine tastes fabulous by the way. I lost my favorite shirt because of you. I also have a bruise, and its all thanks to ms. 'I want a big ending'."

I look at his face and see a bruise. Right along his jawline, too bad for him. Not at all feeling bad I stand up from sitting on my chair. "I love the color of it. Maybe we can make it a bit more purple, add a little blue too."

I reach out to touch it and he swats my hand away. Taking my glass of wine with him he slowly backs out, shouting, "Don't you dare, nope, in the name of jesus go away demon."

Is this guy serious right now? It's a wonder that I haven't killed him already. Did he just call me a demon? Unintentionally my lip pouts and Leo laughs.

"Aww there's a baby orangutan here. Come watch, but be careful, she's a devil in disguise. Best not to get too close!" He announces to no one, voice going all calm and chirpy like an announcer.

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