Tell me I hate you

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If everything goes to plan, I will have the file in my hands. The file contains important information regarding the government of America. 

Something that holds invaluable information. And I am more than willing to keep the file. The thing is, I already have the file in my hands. 


Not quiet. 

Not quiet yet. 

Because that same file is now in Italy, the place I hate and love at the same time. Italy is a beautiful place, with wonderful people. 

But the Italian mafia? Not so much. The Russians have a base there, in secret of course. We have bases around the entire world. I'm also Italian. 

I'm from Italy, I don't know how or why I landed in America but it has been my fortune and now I have to go back the place I hate and also love. The file is too important. 

I can't let the CIA get it before I do. I need that file soon and I need to grab it. "Leo, we're going to take a slight vacation to Italy. To our base, make sure everything is settled." 

Leo leaves as I grin into the dark room. Going into my closet and changing into a black training suit with even darker black streaks down the side. 

I put on a silver mask, one that hides my entire face. I can never be too careful with these things. I make sure the mask cannot fall off my face before nodding in satisfaction and leaving. 

Going into the gym, there are guards training. This is the mafia house. Basically where guards are trained, where young assassins are trained. 

Every assassin that is sent here either has agreement from parents, or they always have a choice. We pick a few orphans to participate, it they don't want to be a part of the Russian mafia they are not forced. 

They will forget all memory of this talk ever happening. Nobody here knows how I am. Even the guards hired at my house don't know I'm a part of the Russian mafia. 

They know who Leo is. But the guards at the mansion have no relations to the mafia. They probably think they are guarding some rich people. 

I haven't shown myself because that is how I work. Not even my top branches know anything about me. Leo is known as the second in command, every order he gives is given to him by me. 

I walk into an empty training room. I haven't gotten this position with no work. I still work every day, my skill is sharped to the best. No, not the best, I'm better than the best. 

I wrap my hands carefully before doing basic footwork. Then I move on to dodging invisible blows while hitting the bag in front of me. 

Soon my hair is slick with sweat so I put it in a pony tail. 

The door opens and a few students come. All of them have on white training suits. They look around before their eyes land on me. This room is made for them. 

Top class, not bad. 

Ever since I came into my position I designed a new program. A series of levels and the top become top members of the mafia. There are a total of 5 levels. 

Beginner, newbies that have no rank until they learn a few things. 

Rank 5, a light blue colored suit. 

Rank 4, a dark blue colored suit. 

Rank 3, a soft grey colored suit. 

Rank 2, a dark red colored suit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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