Tell me!

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"Mr. Russo, a pleasure to see you." Then a few second of silence, probably nodding or shaking hands with one another. Whatever, to the important part. 

"I didn't expect you'd take me on the offer of meeting you. So you're his second in command?" Always, this FREAKING ALWAYS HAPPENDS. Okay, I'm a bit calm now. 

I smile happily at my guard who shifts uncomfortably under my gaze. My bad, my bad. It is really annoying though, when they don't even acknowledge you. 

They don't even know the Russian boss is also the CEO of the brand Life4Elites. Why would they suspect. I sit back and listen to what they say. 

"-er thinking on an agreement. A contract between the Russian and Italian mafia." I think about it. Before deciding to ask about it. 

"Ask him." 

"And what kind of agreement are you thinking of?" Another pause. I can almost feel the heavy silence in the room. 

"That our children will marry each other. Whichever side has the girl and the boy, they will marry after becoming of age." An angry frown etches across my face. 

 Okay hell no. Not happening, unlike him I am not agreeing on signing on a child that is not even born to some weird person. 

I'm sure if my child was here they would agree with me. "I think you already know the answer to that Leo." I can imagine Leo smirking at me. 

"I'm sorry but the Russian mafia does not sign their children away. Now, if you will excuse me, there is work to be done." Leo stand up to leave. There are sounds of scraping chairs. 

"Thank you for the business." I hear footsteps and take the earpiece out of my ear. Massaging my head from the pain. The door opens again and this time Leo is still his cold self. 

"The files, there were some talks about land and whatnot. Everything is here, should be signed by you and once your done they can be done right away." 

Did I zone out for that long? 

I sift through the files until I'm tired and my fingers feel like they're going to break. "Right, except the part about us giving up our land everything else is fine. Send them over after making a copy." 

A nod and he disappears. I feel so tired and turn to my guard. "Wake me up in 20 minutes." With that I'm out cold. So tired and sleepy. I don't dream. 

Something cold touches my forehead and I jolt awake, to find that Leo is sliding ice cubes around on my face like an ice rink. What the freak? 

"What are you doing?" My scream makes him smile sheepishly before standing straight up. He nods to Evgeny who leaves the room after I start screaming. 

"Trying to get you to wake up! Poor Evgeny over there almost sh@t in his pants getting you to wake up. In your sleep you held up a gun at him and fired just to the left, missing his head." 

Oops, did I do that? "Anyways, calm down. Stop being so stressed." When I glare he smiles before taking out ice cream. Oreo cookies with extra m&m's on the side.

He also takes out a spoon and holds it out to me. "Come on, I got you your ice cream so you can't make me sleep outside. No grudges?" I nod and greedily take the ice cream. 

One thing that will never change for me is food. 

Food is my love. 

Food is survival. 

Food is heaven. 

Most important of all, who needs a boyfriend when you have food? Food can do so much more than a boyfriend can anyways. "Thanks Leo." He whips out a strawberry cone with drizzles. 

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