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The second the bell rang out I sighed in relief and picked up my bag, shoving my belongings inside and I grabbed my phone, heading out into the corridor. The last day of term meant I got some time away from these stupid little brats that spent half their time making boob jokes or fart noises every time I walked past. Yep, real mature sixteen year olds that had clearly never seen a pair of tits in their life. I walked down the end of the corridor and gave a smile to a bunch of girls who had been in my previous class and they all gave me a wave, I say my class but really I'm just an assistant and I tend to just take notes and cover when the teacher needs me to. I headed down the stairs and made my way through the low humming of kids talking about their plans over break and I was suddenly sad I was restricted to my own plans because I had volunteered to chaperone the geography trip to the mountains for as week, I was just happy we would have cabins and not tents.

I walked out of the main doors and saw quite a few parents stood chatting around, the school had buses but most of the parents picked the kids up, I recognised a few of them as they waited and earned little nods and smiles as I went. I checked my watch and saw I had ten minutes before the meeting for the trip started, it was for getting the itinerary as we were leaving tomorrow so I walked a little quicker over the car park to get to the teachers cabin on the other side of it. It was basically a second staff room where the teachers would go to get away from the kids, it looked like a storage hut on the outside and for the most part that's what it had been but about a year ago, they turned it into a secret hangout of sorts and it's where I spent my free time. The couch was super comfy and I could enjoy my coffee in utter peace without the former mentioned shit bags pissing me off with their tit jokes. Mostly because my surname was Bouvier and the kids called me boobier, which made me want to smack the shit out of them but I was reminded several times a day by my friend, an actual teacher, that I couldn't do that for legal reasons. Not to mention I would lose my job and that would suck, I did for the most part enjoy it.

I pushed the door open on the secret teachers hide away as I called it and walked in, seeing Alex already on the couch, empty coffee cup on the table in front of him and he looked a little sleepy. I sighed as I closed the door behind him, shaking my head.

"How long did you nap?"

"Only an hour, I had a free period so I thought I'd catch up on marking and sleep apparently."

I chuckled. "Did you even get any marking done?" He shook his head at me and I rolled my eyes, chucking my bag on the floor as I tossed my phone on the couch next to him. "I'm gonna head to the bathroom to pee before we get going to the geography trip meeting."

"Actually I'm gonna head there now," He sighed. "I'll see you over there."

"Fine." I nodded. "Clean your mess before you leave."

I heard him groan in frustration as I headed to the bathroom. I had my pee and washed my hands, checking my face in the mirror. I looked tired but not in a haggard way, definitely something a good sleep would fix so I wasn't too worried about it. I headed back out and cursed under my breath because Alex had absolutely not cleaned up after him and the couch was a mess, his coffee cup still on the table and snack wrappers scattered everywhere. I picked up the wrappers and tossed them in the trash, grabbed the mug and placed it in the sink, I wasn't washing it for him and everyone knew it was his mug so they'd know he was the culprit and I was about to leave when the couch just begged me to tidy it. So I dropped my bag and started to pull off the cushions, plumping them up.

I was half way through when the door opened and I looked to see Hansen walking in, as always he just looked at me as if I wasn't even there. I never took it personally because he was like this with everyone, he kept himself to himself and rarely spoke unless it was about a student or something relating to school work. Though he was pretty scary to the kids and nobody acted up in front of him, he had a nasty temper on him and he was definitely the weapon of choice when we needed to calm the kids down.

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