Seeing through ore

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"Maybe we should go back to that garden?" Finn asked, taking a seat on his bed. "Havent you seen those eyes? whatever that thing was definitely didnt like us based on that glare." Sammy replied. "Like you said, it may have just been a cat. Plus i enjoyed the roses  and the smell of lavender there, lets just go." Finn insisted, and eventually Sammy accepted. They both exited their hotel room and took off to the gardens.

When arriving Sammy sat down on one of the rocks, while Finn started admiring the lavender that grew around the wooden swings. Sammy looked to his right, They're back. The eyes. The boy immediately notified Finn and they both stared. Sammy turned to Finn,shocked to see him crouch down and reach its hand out to whatever the creature may have been."Are you mad Finn? what if it bites your hand off?!" Sammy worriedly commented on his actions. To the suprise of them both, a slim black cat crawled out the the pure darkness it had been staring from. It softly mewed and sniffed Finn's hand, purring when Finn pet the soft animal." This is what we were so scared of all this time? thats a dissapointment." Sammy chuckled to himself. Suddenly, the cat clawed Finn's shoes, not to hurt him,but to let him know something.The small creature tried to drag Finn with, and so the brunette and jet black haired boys followed the small black creature. They climbed over a small fence, they crossed the streets, and ran through alleyways. when they stopped, the cat sat down next to the entrance to the beach. "The beach?" Finn and Sammy asked eachother, then looking at the cat.They both too a step into the sand and felt themself slightly sink everytime they made a move. The cat walked along them via a tiny wall. 

after about ten minutes of walking, they came across a cave. it was quite the scene. As Sammy could have expected,Finn fell in love with the beauty of the nature they had found themself next to.They walked in and saw a shiny beautiful sky-blue crystal being seen inside of the cave  wall, looking closer,Sammy could almost see another world resting within the ore, Finn was about to reach for it, only to find his vision turning blurry.Sammy saw a shimmering particle-like dust surrounding Finn. "FINN!"he yelled, getting on his knees to hold onto his friend, he frantically looked around, but felt something hit his neck before he could take action.

Everything went dark.

Sammy awoke with a gasp and perked up, looking around. he immediately stopped his panic and brought his hand to his temple realizing he had a murderous headache.
A weak voice speaking made Sammy flinch ever so slightly. "Sammy? you okay?"The voice of Finn asked. Sammy nodded and took his friends hand, being left  in a complete state of shock when seeing they were in a place they definitely did not belong in.Finn noticed Sammy holding onto his arm. Finn gave him a reasurring smile.
They heard a unhumanely deep voice, making a noise that seemed to sound like laughter.
the voice approached them, but the depth of it seemed to turn into a softer voice every second. "You should have seen your faces!" The cat from before trotted up, only he seemed weirdly different. It was like he had grown, and a strange symbol being the only snow-white part of fur was formed on his chest. The cat was  now half their size? Sammy snapped out of his thoughts and almost fell over from shock. "Welcome to Eterarelia, the opposite realm!" The cat mewed, a grin-like expression forming on his face. Finn finally took the chance to take a look around him. Mushrooms as giant as trees, and every little animal he spotted had the same strange symbol as the cat.He brought his hand to his eyes to rub them, before noticing the exact same symbol on his own hand. "SAMMY, CHECK YOUR HAND.RIGHT NOW" he whisper-yelled. not to his suprise, Sammy had the same mark on the back of his hand. He looked up to the now lavender colored sky and and sat down on the floor,frustrated and confused feelings overwhelming him.
out of nowhere, he heard a bloodcurling screech coming from the near distance, they saw a slim snake-like figure rise up from behind a boulder.a giant snake, white as a  cloud with harsh-looked scales and sky-blue eyes. its silhouette looking around eight feet tall. The black cat suddenly spoke up again. "If you need me call the name Azrael" before dissapearing into thin air. Sammy grabbed Finn's hand and ran like he was running from his problems.The snake softly hissed and lowered its long rough body to start slithering after the young boys. Their heavy footsteps left prints in the ground. "Get over here, follow me." Sammy whispered to Finn. Sammy took off his shoes and threw them ahead of the long road they ran on, and they jumped into one of the bushes, they stayed low, awaiting for the moment the snake passes. they heard the sound of rustling bushes and moving grounds, and got to view the giant  figure of the python. The snake passed, following the  path  the shoes Sammy had thrown off made. A sigh of relief left Finn's mouth and he let himself fall back onto the moss behind him. It had a fluffy texture, almost like it was a pillow. Sammy joined him, taking a deep breath, he rubbed his eyes to make sure this was all really happening. "Finn,pinch me please. i want to be dreaming." He said. And so Finn did, he pinched his left arm harshly. Sammy immediately pulled away. " Dude! that hurt." he said. Finn shrugged and closed his eyes. Sammy sat up, signing for Finn to do so too. Sammy stood up and held Finn's hand, pulling him up. He looked in the distance, and noticed a strange change in the colour of the sky, it had turned from lavender to dark purple, he assumed it had turned night. "We should seek shelter for now."

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