Newfound home.

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The sun peeked over the horizon and greeted all creatures who lived in this unexpectedly beautiful world,a ray of sunshine lighting up the cave where Sammy and Finn now stayed.
Finn stood outside, having began to drink out of the bowl-shaped leaf he found outside the cave.Sammy still had not awoken, the warmth of his jacket giving him a feeling of home.

The night before

Azrael spoke up, " Hey  kid, would you be up for  a little lesson of survival? you look like an absolute softy so id want to assume you have no skills whatsoever.The smile on Sammy's face immediately dissapeared and the boy sat down, still watching the cat infront of him create a safe space for where he may stay for a long period of time, after a good minute of thinking properly, He nodded. "Alright, show me what you can teach me. " He replied, Azrael's eyes widening, he then smiled and Sammy followed his new smaller friend to a rather large lake, the shiny stones that had placed themselfs into the eath underwater met the glare of Azrael. " I want you to stand on that precise rock, for atleast half a hour. No falling, no wiggling, just standing still. If you fail, you get hit and your training day is over." Azrael said. " Dont come back to the cave until you have completed you assignment, Ill wait for you back at 'home' Kid." and like he said, he dissapeared into the forest. for hours and hours Sammy tumbled, fell, or anything the opposite of what he was told to do happened. a rather large amount of time passed, The sun starting to set.The now sweating and wet boy took a deep breath. this had to be the moment he fulfilled his assignment, he couldnt dissapoint on the first day, what kind of loser would he be? He stood up, his clothes sticking to his body like bloodsuckers to skin. he set his feet steadily onto the stone, so far not losing balance. He relaxed, closing his eyes. he kept standing, standing, and standing, when he suddeny heard a voice. " Time's up." the voice of Azrael spoke. "How did i do?" Sammy asked curiously.  " Lets just say what you did here is about as good as the combo of a cat and water." He replied, rolling his eyes. " Damn, i had some faith in you too. dissapointing. "
Azrael exited the scene, leaving Sammy alone, and cold. he started to return aswell.

while walking throughout the forest Sammy's eye landed on a weirdly shaped object, he wasnt sure if it was a creature or simply a figment of his imagination. Either way, it was better to avoid it, right? His curiosity got the better of him, and he went to check it out. He tried to touch it, only to see a arrow roughly land right infront of his feet. A shocked expression showed on his and Sammy immediately moved backwards. He wasnt sure wether what he wanted to do was run, or ask if he did something wrong. he felt a tap on his back, and when he turned around, he was met with two beautiful hazel eyes staring into his. The long black hair of the figure infront of him fell down to the creatures waist, only for him to realize he was standing infront of another human. Okay, now he knew it for sure, he was imagining things. unable to think, he passed the illusion, hearing a voice softly yell behind him. "Wait, im sorry for almost shooting you. i wasnt sure if you were gonna hurt him." It was most definitely a female voice, a soft and comforting one at that.
Sammy stopped in his tracks, a humane feeling overwhelming him, he definitely felt guilt and sympathy. he once again turned around and checked for the last time, this was real. he couldnt believe it. his mood changed unbelievably fast, a grin from ear to ear covered his face, The girl seemed confused, but smiled back. " Whats your name?" Sammy asked. " Millie." She replied. "I live here, around the forest. the creatures here are  my company and  family. That strange object you were about to touch? a Ophelia tortoise." she said. Now that she mentioned it, Sammy turned to the what appeared to be a Tortoise. a small, frightened expression remained on the small creature its face. "where did you come from? Havent seen you around here." Millie asked.
"I live around a cave somewhere at the end of this path. " he replied, The girls expression changed to a rather shocked looking one. " The one Azrael is working on?" she asked, and got a nod in return. She seemed troubled. " Are you okay?" "Yes, ofcourse. ive just never seen that grumpy grandpa work with humans." she laughed. "woudl you care to join us for dinner?" Sammy asked. "It would be an honor." Millie spoke back, looing into her new friend's eyes with kindness.

They arrived back at the cave, only for a unexpected  look being found on Azrael's face, he looked both confused and happy, but also weirded out. Unable to decide what hes thinking, Sammy quickly introduced his new friend. " Azrael, this is millie-" He was cut off by Millie elbowing him. " What? did i say something?" Sammy asked in a confused tone. "I already know who she is."Azrael quickly interrupted.


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