Training Day! (Part 2)

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Millie and Max walk back to the side of the room.

Blitzo: Good job Max. Mills you gotta step it up.

Y/N: Hey Max, I have a question: How in the fucking world did that not hurt.

Max: I have my secrets.

Blitzo: Alright next Is... Y/N and loonie.

Loona: Dad!

You and Loona walk to separate sides of the room just like Max and Millie did.

Blitzo: GO!

Loona ran at you, but you just stayed behind, ready for Loona's attack. You dodge it, then it feels like the world has slown around you. You then disappear and reappear behind loona. You roundhouse kick her shadow-style. She falls to the floor. She just starts growling but you realize she can't get back up.

Y/N: SHIT! Loona are you okay?

Loona: heh

Loona then gets up and sweep kicks your legs.

Y/N: Fighting dirty are w-

Loona throws you into the air and you Land with a sickening thud.

Y/N: Thats gonna hurt in the morning. I admit defeat.

Loona: That was easy.

You start getting back up.

Y/N: Forgot your own tactic?

You grab Loona, swing her around, and toss her into a wall. She plops on the floor and doesn't get back up. You walk up to her ready for her to attack, but she doesn't.

Y/N: Oh shit, I knocked her out.

Blitzo: Max, I give you permission to take her home.

Max was already halfway to Loona when Blitzo said this.

Max: I'm on it.

Blitzo: And apparently Y/N can teleport now. That'll be useful in the future.

Y/N: Your not mad at me for knocking out your daughter?

Blitzo: She knocks herself out all the time. Usually from drinking too much. Alright Jemma your next.

Before you can see Blitzo and Jemma walk to the ends of the room, you go back in the armory to check on Moxxie and Kenny. You see them still picking up guns with there still being tons of guns on the floor.

Moxxie: Mind helpin us?

Y/N: Sure.

You then proceed to help them pick up the many weapons on the floor.

Moxxie: How'd you two die?

Y/N: "Someone" dropped a sandwich in one of the machines.

Kenny: It was one time! I didn't choose to be clumsy!

You give a small chuckle.

Y/N: Yeah, one time that cost us our life. Although I kinda like it better here.

Kenny: So do I!

After about ten more minutes of chatting and asking questions, all the guns were picked up and organized.

Moxxie: Either of you have a piece of paper and something to write with?

Kenny: Here you go.

Kenny writes a small note on the piece of paper. It reads "Make sure to put the guns back where you found them, especially you blitzø."

When you go back into the room you fought Loona in, you see Jemma and Blitzo still fighting. They both seem exhausted. You see that Max is back, recording the fight.

Jemma: Give up yet?

Jemma speaks in between deep heavy breaths.

Blitzo: Nevaaaaa!

Jemma is holding two wooden sticks while Blitzo is defending himself with only his hands. You decide to watch the rest if the fight. Jemma and Blitzo rush at each other, their exhaustion clearly showing. Before they make it to each other, they collapse on the floor.

Y/N: Wow three people out cold in one day!

Millie: The worst thing is that it's not a record.

Y/N: It isn't?

Max: Nope.

Y/N: Okay th- wait does that mean we have to take the company over for a day?

Max: Nah. Just watch. Blitzo! There's a horse in front of the building!

Blitzo shoots up in excitement.

Blitzo: WHERE! Wait, I got knocked out again didn't I?

Y/N: Passed out from exhaustion actually.

Max then walked over to Jemma.

Max: Alex is back.

Max immediately runs from Jemma, as she whacks the air above her with one of her sticks.

Jemma: TAKE THIS YOU FUCKE- oh I do see.

Y/N: That was easy.

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