10: Mothers Trust

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The first thing that woke him from his drowsy sleep, was the twitch of his leg and him reaching over to give it a scratch. Izuku groaned sleepily as he adjusted his position on the soft, cushioning surface before all the air in his lungs made his body deflate and sink further, breathing going back to normal.

Small giggles made his ears come in attention, albeit lazily, and furrowed his brows when his shoulder was shaken by a small hand.

"Bunny~" came a childish sing-song voice and Izuku opened his eyes at the familiar name and saw Yuna standing in front of him, smiling with her hands on his shoulders.

"Hm? Yuna?" He asked distractedly before his mind reminded him that he was in Katsukis house. She smiled at him again as she took her hands off him.

"Daddy said you have to eat breakfast." Her voice carried off as she retreated from his line of sight, his eyes lazily following her until the bounce of her hair disappeared completely. Izuku furrowed his brow upon realizing that Yuna was not with Katsuki late last night during the hospital visit, and he's sure the blond wouldn't just leave her at home alone despite the late hours.

Faintly, however, he remembers being scolded and the little information that katsuki needed to pick up the kids from... somewhere, did that mean he left while Izuku slept? How long has he been out?

Arching forward to stretch, he winced when the small hairs on his back were pulled and most likely uprooted from his flesh and snapped a hand behind him to scratch. Although his nails met cloth, he felt the tell-tale signs of plastic and reminded him of the adhesive patch he was given by the doctor. Her warnings of the consequences of it being removed or jostled too much made him stop abruptly, even if the itch was tempting to be sated.

The second thing he noticed was the warm smell of breakfast, something he hasn't had in such a long while, it aches to remember. It's been... years, probably, to have a meal so mouthwatering inside the comfort of a home with people surrounding him with conversation. Now was a different situation, but the breakfast served was on a table that his stranger-to-friend gathered around. Those being Yuna, setting the table with some napkins, and Katsuki putting the hot pans of whatever food that carried that delicious aroma on the counter.

Attempting to swallow, Izuku took notice of his dry throat and coughed to ease it, but the fit made his lungs bare and made him breathless by the time he was done and heaving. Of course, it drew attention to the other two just across the room.

"Are you okay?" Yuna's concerned voice came before Katsuki was reaching behind him, opening a cabinet and pulling out a bottle.

"Come here and take this." Katsuki beckoned as he read at the bottle, Izuku reluctantly following his instructions as he wobbled into the brightly illuminated Kitchen. The light wasn't even on.

"What time is it?" He croaked, hand coming to his throat from how raspy it sounded so Izuku quickly tried to clear it away.

"Ten something- here." Katsuki answered distractedly as he opened the bottle before handing him a pill. Izuku took it before Yuna appeared with a glass of water and held it up for him to take. Izuku couldn't help but smile at the gesture when he thanked her, but ultimately had no idea what to do with the two items, so he just drank the water.

"You have to eat it first!" Yuna says from below him as he sips his water, Izuku pulling away with scrunched brows before looking at the pill. Katsuki tuts as he closes the bottle and puts it in the cabinet. Izuku makes an 'oh' with his mouth and puts the capsule in his mouth with a hard chew. The taste immediately coats his tongue in an acidic, dry powder that makes his mouth drool excessively.

"Eughk!" He spits before gargling down the rest of the water to get rid of the taste. "How many times do I have to take this?" He asked as Yuma giggled from behind him, having already taken her seat at the table.

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