Chapter 5

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The horn of the riverboat echoed throughout the port, signaling everyone around the surrounding area that it is close to departing. The port was overly crowded as workers and passengers were creating a lively environment to this part of the river. We walked through a crowd of people with my luggage in one hand and Isaac holding the other to lead me the way. I never really noticed how tall Isaac really was, otherwise I would have been lost within this sea of people. At last we arrived at our destination as David, Bernard and Beni were waiting for us by one of the entrance ramps to the boat. I look at the group, only to realize that Dr. Chamberlain was not there. In which Isaac asks,

"Hey! Where's Dr. Know It All?".

In which David responds, "Don't worry, he'll be here. Just start putting the luggage in the boat, since you two are the last ones to get here."

We take our bags and make our way up the ramp and through the main deck to get to the living quarters. We get to the other end of the main deck, as I look over to see the small waves of the river crashing to the side of the boat.

"I think this is the first time I've ever been on a boat before." I stated.

"Really? Not even when we were kids growing up? asked Isaac.

"No. There weren't any rivers near where we lived, and when I left for Silver City, it was nothing but desert." I replied.

We arrive to the living quarters section of the boat as we both made our way to our room. Isaac was able to find it and opened the door to find that David and Bernard have already brought in their luggage from earlier. There were two bunk beds and it looks like both Isaac and I got the top bunk. We place our luggage on the beds and try to unpack whatever necessary items we will need for tonight. I opened my bag to see the book Dr. Bey let me borrow, I immediately took it out and placed it on the nightstand, so that I can read it later.

I also place the luggage full of my medical supplies and place it under the bunk bed, just so it doesn't go flying through the air with the sway of the boat.

"So, what's that you got there Anna?" asked Isaac.

I turn to see what Isaac was asking about, when I see that he was pointing at the New Kingdom of Egypt book.

"Oh that was from the museum that I was in earlier. I wanted to get some more information about Hamunaptra before we got there. You know, just some light reading," I explained.

Isaac then proceeds to grab the book and starts flipping through the pages, he stops at one page where he reads aloud,

"Nefertiri, in the wake of her father's death, Pharaoh Seti the first, fell to her death from the palace balcony, while his concubine, Anck Su Namun, ended her life with a stab wound to the abdomen that she inflicted upon herself."

Isaac paused to close the book and study it's cover and spine, to which he questioned,

"You sure you should be reading something like this as a "light read" Anna?" asked Isaac.

I take the book from Isaac's hand and place it back on the nightstand, as I explained,

"Oh come on, try reading a book about pharmaceuticals. This is nothing compared to those books."

Isaac shrugs his shoulders as if he was agreeing with me. I finish unpacking and start making my way towards the entrance of our room. I turned to Isaac to see he had finished unpacking as well as I suggested,

"Come on, we should probably see if "Dr. Know it all" finally made it."

Isaac gives a small chuckle at my remark and follows me out.

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