Chapter 11

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As a caregiver, we are often reminded not to be selfish, but to be selfless. That patient care is to be held in the highest standards. At least that is what we were taught in medical school. But isn't it in human nature to be selfish. Wanting things that others do not, or rather needing something from another person. This is probably what we all should have understood in the events that will lead up to the start of our nightmares.

I woke up being greeted by the breaking dawn that drew upon Hamunaptra. The last moment of peace I would ever experience. I knew I had a lot on my plate to the start of the morning, and I did not hesitate to get my day started. I got up from my makeshift camping site and headed into my tent to assess the workers and their wounds. As I opened the entrance to my tent, I was surprised to see that the tent was vacant, most of the workers were gone. The only one who did not leave was my acid burn victim.

"What the hell?"

I stepped out of my tent and walked around the campsite, it wasn't until I headed towards the tombs, that I saw the workers at the entrance. "What are they doing? They shouldn't be even walking with their injuries still healing." I muttered. I walked towards the group to try and stop the men from going inside.

"You men need to be resting! You cannot go in there!" I announced.

But they did not understand and kept making their way into the tomb. This is bad, we had just survived an attack last night, working should be the last thing on their mind. I decided to grab their equipment from their hands and forced them to stop going any further. "STOP! ALL OF YOU NEED TO GO BACK TO YOUR TENTS AND LAY DOWN! YOU CANNOT GO IN THERE!" I yelled.

"Don't get in the way!" said Dr. Chamberlain as he makes his way through the crowd with Isaac, David, Bernard and Beni following behind him. "Mr. Henderson, I'm going to need you to keep this woman under control. She's disrupting our excavation!" Dr. Chamberlain commented.

"If you think I'm going to let these men go in there with those injuries, you're wrong! They are too injured to be working and as your site physician, I forbid them to work for the duration of this excavation!" I was determined to keep these men safe, but nothing could prepare me to what was going to unfold next.

Dr. Chamberlain proceeded to laugh at my comment and said, "Site physician, my dear we all know you're nothing but an intern. Mr. Henderson, weren't you the one who said she doesn't even have her license to practice medicine to begin with."

My heart dropped, I looked at Isaac to confirm, "You told him?" I questioned.

He didn't say anything, there was no form of regret or reconcile in his expression and he kept silent to let Dr. Chamberlain do the talking. "By the look of things, you have no authority over these men to not work, so if you will move aside, we have some work to do." As he said that, Dr. Chamberlain's shoulder bumped me to move out of his way and so followed the rest of the workers. Isaac, David and Bernard followed right after, I didn't bother to look them in the eyes. I felt a sense of betrayal from them, like I'm a burden to them. I walked back to my tent and when I had arrived, an overflowing sense of anger and rage burned inside me. It was too much for me to handle, that I started throwing objects and breaking anything that I could get my hands on.

"GOD DAMMIT!" I screamed on the top of my lungs.

*huff* *huff*

The destruction that I had caused in my own tent is unacceptable. I was going crazy. My sanity is being tested and soon it wouldn't be objects that would get destroyed, but I might hurt someone. I fear that my short temper will get the best of me. I need to get out of here, before I lose myself. "Fuck Dr. Chamberlain and fuck Isaac! I don't need this shit!"

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