It's been five years since Mundus was defeated and the demons retreated from the foreign ring. Thinking the world is save everyone is at peace but a new threat emerges for penance.
*Via joins forces with the Slayer. During the destruction of the Super Gore Nest Via comes across the Yamato that belonged to the friend she called a brother. Upon picking up the Yamato she was shown a vision of a Man and a destroyed house who she believes to be the one she was told to be dead. Now She must uses the sword and crest to see the past and use it to discover where the once great warrior lies.
Angel: Ya sure you know where your going?
Octavia: The sword is giving me a visions that show me places that feel familiar I think it's trying to show me the past weather its me or him.
Angel: I hope your right and your not just schizo.
Octavia: Do you not believe me?
Angel: Girl I want to believe you as much as I want but your going off of your instincts and a sword.
Octavia: Maybe your right. You can turn around if you want.
Angel: Nah im with you to the end.
*Via then feels a sudden tingle that feels wrong
Angel: You alright?
Octavia: I felt something. Was that you?
Angel: Im not messing around.
Octavia: Hmmm
*Just as soon as they both continue to walk demons pop out from behind.
Octavia: So that's what that tingle was.
Angel: About time I was getting bored.
* The duo fight the demons but are quickly over matched. Via feels a sense of power like something is trying to get out and fight.
*The two are thrown back weak on there knees the demons move in slowly
Angel: Oh it's on!
*Via releases a quiet growl that did not belong to her
Angel: Via ya alright.
*Via's began to act weird she started to act unlike herself.
Angel: Whats the matter you have the hulk in there
*Too distracted angel gets attacked by a demon
Angel: Ow shit
*All the demons were about to up on the two Angel accepted defeat until they all stopped mid air.
Angel: What the hell is this?
*Angel turns around and sees Via is the reason her eyes started to glow the pink with fire coming out then she begins to transform into what appears to be her but bigger in size and it glowing pink
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Angel: Holy shit.
*Octavia lands on the ground
Octavia: Lets fight you demons
*Her voice in a reverb deep sound
Angel: Guess I can rest
*Octavia Prepares to fight she expands the wings on her back smacking demons and using the wings to blow other demons back.
Angel: OOOO I can't wait to show Al this.
*Via kills them all and returns to her normal looks.
Angel: What the hell was that.
Octavia: I don't know
*The sword begins to glow the same pink as the pink Via looked when she was the other demon
Angel: Did that sword do it?
Octavia: I think so.
Angel: What was it like a devillll thingy. That the Sparda's had
Octavia: Devil trigger.
Angel: Thats the one.
Octavia: I guess so. We need to keep moving.
Angel: Right.
*The two carry one into a old abandon city.
Angel: What happened to this place.
Octavia: I don't kno-oooooo.
Angel: Via you alright?
*Via's eyes glow a blue similar to Vergil's blue
Via sees a old house that is completely standing she looks around and sees to young boys that look very similar but she could not make it out enough.
Boy 1: It's mine!
Boy 2: No mom said I could have it!
Man: Figure it out you two or I'll take it away.
Both Boys: Yes Father.
Mother: Dante where are you I want to show you something.
Young Dante: Ha I got something and you did not.
Octavia: Dante?
Father: Don't let it get to your head Vergil.
Young Vergil: Yes Father.
Sparda: I want to show you something.
Young Vergil: What is it?
Sparda: Follow me and you will see.
*The vison ends as Via returns
Angel: You alright?
Octavia: Yeah im fine. It was a vison.
Angel: What did you see.
Octavia: I saw the brothers as kids.
Angel: As kids?
Octavia: Yes and there father.
Angel: You saw Sparda?
Octavia: Yes I saw the surrounding area we are close.
Angel: I think we should rest up for the night you look exhausted and have been through a lot today.
Octavia: Yeah your right that building over there seems durable enough.
Angel: Want to have a fire on top of the roof?
Octavia: Yeah why not.
*On top of the roof
Angel: I heard you and Charlie got in to a little fight.
Octavia: We did.
Angel: Why?
Octavia: she wanted me to come back to hell and forget about Vergil and that he is dead. I told her that I won't because she refrained the truth from me for 7 years. I did not want to take her word. Then I went over board and said that she was just like her father.
Angel: That was real fucking stupid of you but real brave of you. I don't think I could ever say that to her.
Octavia: hopefully she will stay away from us for a while and not come back all pissed off
Angel: Lets hope so.
*Both have a silent moment before Angel speaks up
Angel: Say do you mind me asking...when was the last time you saw them?
Octavia: At the hospital when Orion was cracking out of the egg. they didn't even get to see him.