Ch 4-famous youtubers meet

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S-(rings the doorbell)
K-hi Shay come on in
(All of them go inside)
S-this is my wife Colette, my oldest Gavin ,my second oldest Avia , my third oldest Emmi, my youngest Brock and the second youngest Daxton
k-nice to meet you all
Kids-same here
K-hold on (goes to get the kids)
(Caleb,Annie and Hayley come downstairs)
K-kids these are the shaytards
Hayley-(thinks-OH MY GOSH WE LIVE NEXT TO THE SHAYTARDS) hello I'm Hayley
Annie-hi I'm Annie
Caleb-hey I'm Caleb
Gavin-(thinks-cool bratayley is our neighbor) hey I'm Gavin
Avia-hi I'm Avia nice to meet you all
Emmi-hi :)
Brock-hello :) I'm 5 years old
Hayley-(grabs Brock's hand and shows him her room)
B-nice room today is my birthday
H-happy birthday new friend
B-thank you ....(looks at Hayley's mouth) hey what happened to your teeth?
H-they came out
B-did someone punch them out?
H-no they fell out
(In Annie's room)
Avia-wow cool room
Annie-thanks do you like my canopy ?
Avia-yes it's nice :) my room is Pink
Annie-I don't like pink I like mint green
Avia-oh so how old are you?
Annie-10 you?
Avia-I turned 10 last month
Annie-awesome welcome to the double didget team :)
Avia-hahaha thank you
Annie-my sister Hayley said she saw a go kart track and a soccer field and a swing set when we first got here
Avia-yeah that's ours my dad and uncles built it for us
Annie-we have a trampoline
Avia-we are having a birthday party for my little brother Brock he turns 5 today
Avia-would you like to come?
Annie-I'll ask my mom
(With Shay,Colette,Katie and Billy)
C-it's nice to meet you guys my kids watch you all the time
K-like wise & my kids watch you guys all the time too
S-we are having a party for our son Brock would you guys like to come?
Billy-sure it will give us a chance to meet new people
K-yes Annie?
Annie-can we go over to Avia's house for her brother's birthday party
K-yes in fact we are all going

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