Ch 23-uploding the videos

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-after everyone got home from having fun-
C-ok kids time for bed
G-it's summer mom
C-don't care go to bed
G-whatever (walks to his room)
C - Avia , emmi , Brock bed now
C-I have to talk to your dad about something important
A-whatever (looks at the others) ok time for bed
E-whatever -(walks to her room and closes the door)
Brock-(holds daxton and takes him to their room)
(With Shay and colette)
C-hey what are you doing?
S-uploading the video of us defending Avia
C-u sure this won't back fire on us?
S-I'm positive it won't Hun now let's watch
C-(watches the video being uploaded)
-video is uploaded-
C-ok it's uploaded lets go to bed now
S-(goes to bed with Colette)
-the next morning-
G-(wakes up around 11am and goes on YouTube plugs his headphones in and watches the video then reads the comments most of them are good then the bad ones start rolling in)
Comment 1-why don't you guys defend emmi or Brock or daxton or Gavin all you care about is Avia
Comment 2-Wow sontard cursed and put up the middle finger what type of parenting is this Shay control your stupid kids
Comment 3-Avia this Avia that this is all about avia she's such an annoying brat
G-(walks to Shay & Colette!s room) mom dad :(
S-(wakes up) hey what's wrong Gavin
G-(shows him the mean comments)
C-(wakes up) hey what's going on?
S-mean comments
C-(reads them) you have to take this down Shay
S-why? Our daughter won't let these comments tare her down she's a strong girl
C-I know but what if this gets worse and she gets depressed
G-I don't think we should take down the videos I think we should show Avia the comments and have her make a video response to them
S-good idea Gavin

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