Ch 25-the trips and Daxton meet Jackson

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Daxton's POV-I'm in school with the trips when we see a new kid
Teacher-hello sir
JM-hello I'm here to enroll my son Jackson into your class
Teacher-ok what's your last name?
Teacher-ok sir I'll show you to the principals office you can leave your son here
JM-ok Jackson have fun with the other kids
J-ok daddy (hugs him)
JM-:) see you later
J-(walks to the trips and Daxton) um hi
D-hey new kid
J-I'm Jackson who are you guys?
D-I'm Daxton
B-I'm Brianna
H-I'm Hunter
M-I'm Michael
J-nice to meet you all can I sit with u guys?
J-so how do you guys know each other
D-we are neighbors
B-yeah :) so tell us about yourself
J-I'm 5 years old I love rocks and I have little brother named Calvin what about you guys?
D-I'm the youngest of 5 I have brown hair I'm on YouTube
B-I'm 5 years old these are my brothers Hunter and Mikey our older siblings are Hayley , Annie and Caleb and we are on YouTube as well
J-I have a YouTube channel called Ellie & Jared
B-we are on Bratayley
D-I'm on the Shaytards
J-awesome :)
D-nice to meet another fellow YouTube kid
J-same here dude
B-you can call me bri bri or Brianna
H-you call me hunt or Hunter
M-call me Mikey
J-ok you can call me Jackson or Jack
J-so your called the trips?

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