Ch 16-Gavin + Annie = Gannie

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Shay-wait Gavin come here for a second
G-yeah dad?
Shay-(hugs Gavin) I'm happy you found a girl who treats you great
G-thanks :) can I go now?
Shay-feed the cats then you can go
G-but Avia fed them
Shay-no she didn't go feed them
G-ok (goes to feed the cats) ok I fed them
Shay-good now you can go
G-ok see u later dad
Shay-enjoy your date
G-dad (blushes)
(Gavin walks to the Leblancs house)
G-(rings the bell)
Billy-(opens the door) oh hello Gavin come in
G-thank you sir (walks inside) how's your day going?
Billy-it's fine thank you for asking
G-that's nice sir
Billy-please call me Billy
G-ok billy :)
Billy-I'm glad Annie found someone who treats her right
G-I was raised to be a respectful gentleman
Billy-you have great parents I want you to stay a gentleman as long as you live
G-I plan to si-um billy
Billy-:) I'll go get her (walks to Annie's room)..Annie Gavin is here
Annie-ok daddy (finishes getting dressed and has hair extensions in her hair) ok I'm ready (comes out of room) how do I look?
Billy-you look nice you don't want to keep Gavin waiting now do you?
C&H-bye Annie enjoy your date
Annie-thanks (walks downstairs in black pants,black shoes,a light blue shirt ,a light blue head band and a black and light blue watch with a black shrug)
G-wow you look beautiful Julianna
Annie-Gavin I told you to never call me that and thank you
Gavin-sorry Annie are you ready to go?
Annie-yup :)
-at red lobster-
G-table for 2 please
Waiter-ok no problem (leads Gavin and Annie to their table)
Annie-wow this place looks wonderful ..I didn't know we were going here if I did I would have worn a dress
G-hahaha it's ok Annie I wanted to take you here to show you that I'll always be here for you and that I was raised to be a gentleman
A-Ik your a gentleman you don't have a bad bone in your body I never been here before I like it
G-what do you saying .are you saying I can't be a bad boy I'm deeply hurt (fakes being offended)
A-I bet you can't
G-I don't gamble Annie but I can be a bad boy when I want to be you just wait after this
A-oh I'm so scared hahaha but I can't wait
Waiter-may I take your order?
G-yes I'll have the lobster
Waiter-ok and you?
Annie-same as him but with crab
Waiter-ok guys make a cute couple
Gavin & Annie-thanks
(After dinner)
Waiter-here's your bill
Annie-thanks (goes in her purse and gets the money)
G-no no no I got this (pays the bill and leaves a 20 dollar tip)
Annie-so where are we going now?
G-you will see (stands up and helps Annie up and they walk to the surprise)
G-yeah Ik you love fireworks so I arranged this hope you like it
A-:) your the best boyfriend ever I'm lucky we are neighbors and dating
G-:) yup and I remember when we first met at playlist live I had a crush on you but I kept quiet and I was afraid your brother would beat me up hahaha
A-yeah he's like that cause I got my heart broken when I was 9 by this boy I liked and he was using me to get his ex back
G-(hugs her) I'll keep your heart safe and unbroken I'm sorry that happened to you
A-it's ok if it didn't I wouldn't have met you
G-:) true but you know I wouldn't do that
A-you better not
G-(puts his arm around Annie) what time do you have to be home?
A-since it's summer I can stay out as much as I would like
A-yes but im pretty sure Caleb will look for us after 1am
G-hahaha don't worry I'll talk to him if he does
A-maybe you can teach him to be a gentleman like you hahaha
G-sure I have classes in being gentleman 101 in August sign him up
A-ha will do
G-(brings Annie home) I had a great time
A-me too Gavin see you tomorrow at the waterpark
G-yeah :) ..........(kisses her lips)
Annie-WOHA ...(kisses him back) see ya Gavin
G-bye :) (Goes home)
A-(goes inside and goes to her room and goes to sleep)
G-(goes inside and does the same)

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