Meet again

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Hi guys,

Today I'm bringing to you the 3th part of this story. So without wasting any time let's get straight into the story:

As Luca get in the room, he saw Charlotte in the seat in front of the mirror. She was angry and crying a little bit, the make-up staff were trying to control her but every thing was useless, so he came in front of her and hold her from her sholders, then said:

    -  "Come down Charlotte, come down".

    - "How can I come down Luca?, she said that she will attend my wedding and now she is saying that she wont come, this is not fair. I am telling you Luca, if she doesn't come I won't get marred and that is my final decision" - shouted Charlotte fully angred.

    - "Don't worry Chloe ( this is Charlotte's nickname ), I'll make sure that your friend comes to your wedding. By the way, who is your friend, I mean, what is her name; where she lives or where can she be found, any thing like this,...." - Luca asked making her calm and sitting her down on her chair.

    - "Her name is Lisa and she has own a florist shop, her store is here near, walking down two streets".

    - "Ok, don't worry, I'll handel this, but promise me that you don't will create any scene. She will come and acompany you till the aisle. Got that?" - he said looking direct in her eyes.

Charlotte didn't said anything but nodded her head. Then Luca gave her the rose bouquet and patted her softly and leave, coming outside he meet his boss's worried eyes.

      - "Don't worry boss, I will bring her friend here and make sure that Charlotte gets marred" - said Luca.

     - "Ok, you have half an hour for this, I know that you won't let me down" - the boss said putting a hand in Luca's left sholder.

     - "Yes sir" - this were the last words that he said before living his boss's house.

While driving he rememberd that some hours ago he meet a girl that was a florist and told him that today is also her friend's wedding, that's why she saved a flower bouquet, on that precise second he turned his car to that florist shop. When he arrived he saw that the store was open, he quichly get down from the car and got in the shop, he looked everyway but no one was there, after listening some noises coming from the room that was in the end of the wall, he start walking in that direction.

When he approach the door he heard a sweet voice of a girl, probably talking by phone with someone. Luca knocked the door and the girl turned, it was the same gir that gave him the flowers, the florist gested a hand to Luca meaning telling him to stop there, and talked a few seconds and then ended the phone call. Once did that she came out the room to attend the boy, when she was at the light, the devil cheched the nameplate of the girl, it was written: Lisa, something came to Luca's mind and he took out his cell phone.

      - "Is this your friend who has the wedding today?" - Luca asked, while showing Chloe's pic.

      - "Yes, but how you know about her?" - Lisa was confused and trying to connect all the things without getting any clue.

      - "Because she is my boss's daughter, for whom I took the bouquet".

      - "What?" - Lisa asked with the most confusing expression that she can show.

      - "Yes, and I need you to acompany me to her wedding because she said that if you don't come, she won't get married. So just come" - he orderd her.

      - "I will come, but I need to get changed. I don't think that people would like seeing me like this in middle of the wedding" - she said while walking to a wall.

      - "Ok, get ready in 5, because I can't wait much" - he followed Lisa confused.

      - "Ok, but don't come in the room".

      - "Room?" - he asked watching her with white eyes, but realised it soon when he saw Lisa entrying in a room which door was decoreted with flowers like the rest of the wall was.

    He was still confused but waited out side of the "room" or better said "secret room" . He stood there for around 3 or 4 minutes before knock the door from where the girl just disappeared, but before he could even do that, the door opended. The hand of Luca stood there in the middle of the air minewhile he was looking to our girl Lisa, both stand there, lost in each others eyes.

     The sudent sound of a horn passing through the front door of the shop broke the moment, and both came back to their sense. Luca took down his arm and Lisa looked away.

       - "Are you done?" - Luca asked breaking the unconfortable silence that was between they two.

       - "Yes, but does this look good for the event?" - asked Lisa showing her light golden gown.

      Luca was speechlees in front of the beautiful look of Lisa, he opened his mouth for speek but nothing came out of his mouth

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      Luca was speechlees in front of the beautiful look of Lisa, he opened his mouth for speek but nothing came out of his mouth.

     - "Well, we are getting late, get into the car" - he finaly said addresing to his car and looking down for not to encounter with her eyes.

  They sat in the car, Luca sitted in the driver's car, while Lisa took a seat in the back seats.

     - "I'm not your driver, so come and sit in the front" - he said looking at Lisa through the rearview mirror

     - "I did never said that you're my driver, and what is your problem? Why are so rude and strict? Do you have any problem with me or with the politness?" - Lisa asked annoyed with Luca's behavior and comming towards the co-driver seat.

So this was for now, stay tuned for the next chapter.

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                                                                         - AKS_24  😋

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