Becoming an Angel

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Hi cuties,

Hope you all are fine and doing good now in the holidays (if you have by now), so let's jump in the story.

Lisa POV:


When I was going to become 15, all the committe members agreed to make and add a special post of membership in the committe that runs the orphanage of which I'm also a part. My job was to give recomendations and suggest improvments for the orphanage, laterly, I started to design play-grounds, kids room and the graphics of the buildings that were going to be build next to the original once.

When I had to decorate or design the room of children then I needed to take in care of their preference, also taking in count that one room was shared by three kids, so first of all I needed to collect their likens (colors, thems like day or night, if they have an idol, etc.), then combine them, after ask the kids if they like it or not, if yes then it was to start and end as soon as possible because during that time we needed to shift the kids to another room.

But if they say that they don't like the design, in that case I needed to ask them about what they didn't liked or what they see that we need to change and all along, then re-design it. Right after that, again show them the room looks and depending on their answer, do one thing or another.

All that time passed in a blik since I started working there. Soon I was going to become 15, I still had 6 months, but the nerverness and exitement was taking all over me.

For the people who don't know let me tell you about what does means to become 15 in our Angels world. Ok, so, when any Angel becomes 15 years old, on it's birthday at the exect time of when you were born, at the same time of when you took your first breath in the world, is the time when your transformation takes place.

From the time of birth all angles have two holes in the back, a bit down from the shoulder-blades, these holes are called: "Wing Holes". The process is very painful, because on the exact time the wings start to come out of the corresponding holes, that's why it's asked and commanded that every child needs to rest and eat in a very good amount and quality.

Also, normaly kids who have parents, or at least one parent, they start their trainning at the age of 10 or 11, but the kids who don't have any parent, their tranning starts from the age of 5 or 8, dependidng if any familiar is going to look after that kid or no. For me it was the same, I wanted to go but aunt Lily denied, after a long talk we came on a conclusion that I can assist in the trainings, but not all the days.

I was happy about it and started going in there. At the age of 8 I was requierd to fully assist, but as at the same time I was sended to the orphanage, the council member decided to start my all day trainnings at the age of 9. When i started to go there, i got a bit of scared and amazed at the same time, in that "Trainning-house" (the big place and some buildings where we used to practice hard and during all the days).

There we trained with with all type of wepons, the dagger, sworn, harmer, boomerang, ninja weapons, and the last but not the least, with our powers. We use to practice in the out-doors, open air, the trainners use to make us practice in the freezing cold snow of winter, in the spring full of insects, meltting sun of summer and in the thundering rains of autom.

At the beginning everything was very difficult, but as the time passed, I learned how to deal with all my suroundings in any situation, in fact, this was the main reason of the trainers to train us in all places and in every conditions, for us to ...

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At the beginning everything was very difficult, but as the time passed, I learned how to deal with all my suroundings in any situation, in fact, this was the main reason of the trainers to train us in all places and in every conditions, for us to be able to fight and protect our ownselves.

This has been my life till now, help in the orphanage, play with kids, make the new ones to get conmfortable with everything and train. But when I became 15, on my birthday, i got my wings. The proces was truly very painful, during the 2 to 3 hours, when wings were comming out, that was the most hateble, but also the beautiful things to sence, the feeling of how your wings come out, how each feather becames free, the feeling of becomming free of everything and just fly out, it also gaves a feeling of self-empowerment.

Everyone was happy and charring me up, but only till they didn't saw my wings. It was a bit wierd and getting suspicious that every person in the room was quite and the glaring stares where making hundreds and thousends of holes in my body, i just couldn't understand what was wrong till I catched a glance from the mirror in front of me, I saw my-self, but with my wings. My own eyes where about to pop out of my face, the only thing that made each and everyone to shut their mouth were: MY WINGS!!!

The most fastinating thing was that, my wings were White and GOLDEN.

No one, absolutly no one in the whole Angel World had even a bit of golden in their wings

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No one, absolutly no one in the whole Angel World had even a bit of golden in their wings. Every angel's wings where pure white.

"What will this mean? Am I something or someone special? Different? Lucky? Or unluchy as every time?", these where the questions running in everyone's mind, and I was not an exeption.

So, till here was this chapter.
I'm actually sorry for not updating earlier, trust me, I seriously wanted to but couldn't. So now I'm thinking to try to post a chapter in between one or 2 weeks.

Also i wanted to give a shout-out to a few but very important people, whom are:
SaraMarcus538: to push me to start writing my own stories, (te quiero mucho pendeja), MG4021: for helping me with my wrong writted words and grammer (muchisimas gracias y te quiero mucho también),Katerina016058: for being the best teacher and beliving in me and my passion and cappacity to write, and YolandaMuozAndolz: to alwas be there and helping me to organize my whole story and alinning all my thougts.

And to everyone who has read my book, gave my story a chance, and last but not the least, to always being with me, and acompany me in this journy.
Thanks to everyone!!!
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