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Hi guys,

Here I am with the 4th chapter of this story.

Hope you'll enjoy it.

During the all journy, both reminded silent or arguing about eachother's nature, commenting if one is ruthe, the other behave like a child, . . . etc.

Finally they arrived at the event spot, where Charlotte was going to get married. Luca gide Lisa till the bride's room, outside there was his boss waiting for them, Lisa slippted into the room and hugged Chloe, meanwhile Luca and his boss where talking at the doorframe, his boss was happy. And both angel and devil's eyes meet unknowingly, but with satisfaction.

- "Thank God that you finally got time to came to my wedding" - Charlotte said with puffy eyes.

- "How can you though that I was not going to come? And specially today? I promised you that I will be beside you when you'll start a new chapter of your life. So, here I am" - she said with nothing else then love in her eyes.

- "Lis ( this is Lisa's nickname, that Chloe gave her ), you are truly sweet, but, why are you so late? For a moment I thought that you where not comming "- Chloe sitted in the chair - "and where is the most importent gift that you was going to bring for me?"

At the time that Lisa came to the room, she saw the flower bouquet that she gave to Luca some time ago, that she actualy saved for Chloe.

- "Well, you have alredy recived mi special gift, dear friend".

- "Seriously? And what it is?" - Charlotte asked with exitment in her face.

- "Hmmmm, I'm not going to tell you what it is, you have to find it out by your own" - Lisa teased her friend, because she know's that Charlotte doesn't have the enough patience to play this type of thinghs and games.

- "You are playing with me this game because you know I don't have patience, you are such a teaser, now tell me what is my gift!" - Charlotte said with a pinch of angryness.

- "Ok, ok, But don't get angry. Today is your day and I don't want you to spoil it by your own self. Well" - she said approching to the bridal flower bouquet - "this is the gift that I wanted to give you. I know that you and everybody will forget about the flower bouquet, so I saved the best one that I have in my shop for you, earlyer." - she said showing aroud the beautifuly decorated bunch of flowers - "I know that this is not that expensive as the others gifts that you will recive, but" - she sudently got cutted by Chloe.

- "Never ever think that, Lis. Every thingh that you give to me is priceless, and I don't give a damm shit to what the other people say or think, I only know that you are not only a best friend that had stand with me in all my good and bad times. You have been always there when I needed you, after mother died in that tragical accident, when even my own dad didn't care about me, he didn't bother himself to ask me if I'm ok or going well, you staied there for me, every single thing was going from bad to worse.

Till I get to know you and we become friends, from then you made all thingh lovely and beautiful, you and Luca are the only persons who really took care and love me in my life. Lisa" - every person in the in the room was holding their tears in there eyes, and after Charlotte called Lisa, she hold her hands, then she continued - " you where the one who look after me like a mother and play with me like a sister, you are so sweet that any person can fall in love with you.

And Luca, you where the person who protected me like a big brother and become like a father to me. Even though I had a crush on you at the beggining but when you told me that you see me as a sister then I gave up. You may have been rude and an assholer to others, but you have been very nice and caring with me, I'm sure that the one with who you will fall in love and get married, she would be the most lucky girl in the whole world.

Both of you are my only world" - she finished with all her tears falling from her eyes and holdding her left hand in Lisa's one, while the right one was in Luca's hand.

- " I know that Chloe" - both Luca and Lisa said at the same time, then watched each other for a second, their conson for Charlotte was so pure, that was clearly visible in their eyes.

- " And now stop crying, I don't want my little sister to attend her own wedding like this" - Luca said while wipping the rest of her tears that where in her cheeks with his thumb.

- " Yes, also because if Charl ( Charlotte's fiance ) see's you like this, he will surely do 2 thinghs. The first is to pass out, and after that and recovering to his uncounciousness, we will ripp out our heads for make you cry and make you look like this" - all people start chuckling

- " And why will he pass out?"- Charlotte asked confused.

- " Because, thanks to your big and heavy tears, your make-up has been ruind. Poor the artists, they have to fix you another time" - Lisa said dramaticly.

All blast into laughters while Charlotte was looking at herself in the mirror of the dressing table and chuckling too.

I'm still alive, only posting late because I don't have enought time to writte the story digitally, in paper I have wrote it till chappter 7.

I'll try to post much offten, but also keep in mind that I'm maneging with school and learning german language

Don't forget to comment and vote this chapter.

· AKS _24😋

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