Chapter 1: Horns of a demon

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[A/n: This is the second fandom I'm joining in, I wont publish this until The Balladeers is done, so hello future💀]

[ A/n: The Balladeers has come to its end so it's finally time for this book to be published ehe~]


| Unknowing Life |

|            of a              |

|     Half Ädepti      |


-__It was a storming night in a middle of the sea. Large waves clash towards each other, A tuna supply ship can be seen trying to get to the docks for safety.__-

-__Three workers are currently inside of the tuna cage room, preventing the cages to open and let the place fall apart.__-

[Author's Pov]

"Sister! Are you doing alright there!(?)" A blue haired boy named, Iruma asked.

"Mhm! No...worries!" a gentle female voice replied whose hair is light blue. Her name is Y/n, she's the older twin sister of Iruma.

"Iruma! Y/n!" A worker called out, " I'm leaving these to both of you! Don't let it fall apart!" This made you silently gasp and widen your eyes.

'How dare.... There's no way we can do this!' You thoughtly curses at him.

"Y-yes, sir!" Iruma replied as he slightly looks at the man, ' Brother... you need to learn how to reject....' You thought as you closed three cages at the same time.

"If it falls apart, I'm docking half your pay!" The man threaten as he runs away, You let out a sigh, ' As if we'll be able to go back to the docks if this falls apart.... This ship will sink-'

You closed another 4 cages as you look at Iruma who's struggling to push the tuna back in the cage.

Letting out another sigh, you went towards him and easily pushed the tuna back in the cage then closed it, " Thanks for the help Y/n!" Iruma cheerfully thanked which made you gently shake your head as a no.

"No need, I'm your older sibling. It's normal for me to help you out" You ran towards the opening cages and swiftly closed all of it.

However, the upper cages that couldn't be reach opens and let the tunas fall down, "Iruma! Look out..!" You warned as you kicked the two falling tunas to prevent them from falling over Iruma.

"Let's go..!" You grabbed Iruma's hand and tries to run away while dodging the falling tunas.

However, Iruma slipped and making you lose grip on him as a tuna was about to fall towards him, " Iruma..!"

Suddenly, all of the falling tunas stopped mid air, with widen eyes you look around, "W-what...-" Iruma opened his eyes and then noticed all the falling tunas had stopped mid air.


"Huh? Wha?" Iruma looks around then everything turned red and the two of you are now floating while being tied up by ropes.

The two of you looked at tall figure of a man who has two horns, ' Those... horns... Aren't those..! ' you thought as Iruma was panicking.

Then two papers was placed on yours and Iruma's front, " Sold?!" Iruma exclaimed, " Wh-wh-what... What's going on?!"

Unknowing Life Of The Half Adepti (Ganyu! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now