1. Crescent Love

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Running around in the world
So lost and down, ever frowned
Hurt and mamed so bad
Much so that my feet gave away.

My eyes ever flowing with tears
Dripping ounce in ounce out
As the silver springs of wonder.
Tears brought by sadness
and excruciating pain;
Alas you came by.

The soul just as I,
Innocent and kind, ever loving
Sweet and introverted just like me.
A soul I met while in despair,
A soul that met me through a write
A write so deep that we both fell in.

I still cry, but I cry for joy now
Jumping and shouting within my heart
Rejoicing and singing within my mind.
Happy at last that I am loved,
But ever so scared to end up alone.

Before that dread reaches,
I am now in wonderland.
Safe within our escape world,
A place we both understand;
A place we fell in love.
The place that understands us
An ever drifted space for our crescent love.

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