The dream (1)

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It was another day of school.Finney woke up at 6:45
while Robin woke up at 7:00. school started at 7:45 so that gave them both enough time.

Finney POV:
I woke up feeling as tired as ever. i slammed my hand on the alarm to turn it off then i slipped into my space slippers. I yawned as i stood up and walk to my closet, I slid the door open then said "damn"

I looked in the closet and all I saw was a dressy shirt and my favorite baggy pants. I was a little angry knowing i had to put on a black shirt that was very uncomfortable. I looked in the mirror trying to remember my dream. it went a little something like..

"Hi Robin! and Veronica?" I say before Robin pushes my shoulder signaling for me to stay cool. me and veronica are good buddies so i can be weird all I want and she won't mind. I wouldn't say we were friends though.

I put my arm around her and say "Wow it's nice out isn't it?" then I lean in close to her side making our waists touch.

Robin screams "What the fuck Finney" and jumps in front of us. We both look at him weird and keep walking leaving him there standing, I wink at him as I pass by.

By the time we get far enough we start laughing and she high five's me before she says "thank you for getting rid of him for me" and slides me a dollar because of the deal we made.

Robin caught up and said "What's wrong with you I was starting to flirt"

"I don't know. Your right she is fine." as I pretended to lick my lips thinking to myself "EW" Robin hit my head before he said "bye Finney see u in 4th period" and smirked...?
He only calls me Finney when he's mad at me. i hope he won't be mad in 4th period. It's the only class we have together!

Time skip to 4th period

I sit at my seat next to Frank and write down what's on the board into my notebook. it's what we are required to do when i'm finished I start drawing cute sketches kinda like what girls would draw. Mrs Yoblaina said "Who would like to check the notebooks to see if they wrote down what is on the board?" Robin raised his hand "Okay Robin go ahead! after that she walked out the classroom to use the restroom.

when Robin was just one person away i realized he'll see my drawings when he comes over to check mine! I immediately start erasing my cringe galaxy express based drawings! but before i could Robin snatched it. "ok yours is goo-......tsk tsk tsk girly drawings?! Everyone! Finney is gay look at this!!" He scribbled "I'm secretly gay" on the paper in big letters before holding it up. The class laughed and chanted "Finney likes boys! ewww" Frank got up and sat at a different table leaving me alone. Robin slammed the book down and after said "Gay boy! Don't kiss me" and pretended to gag.

I was so angry! What made him think he could do that?! we're supposed to be friends. As Robin was leaving i mumbled "Bitch." He quickly turned around at me and said "What did you say gay boy" I stood up and screamed "your a bitch is what i said!!" everyone said oooh knowing robin knows how to fight and well and I was toast. But instead he said "Brave" and walked away

kids laughed and teased me, I even heard robin talking about me. All i did was put my hand around his crush for a deal. What was his problem?! I put my head down and when the teacher came back she told robin to sit next to me because a teacher heard him teasing me so he had to sit next to me and apologize. I kept my head down so nobody could see my tears.

When the bell rang I grabbed my stuff and just walked to lunch.

Robin sat next to me and said "Hey Finn what's happenin" with food in his hands. I rolled my eyes and turned another way "Are you still mad I called you a (F slur) don't be so sensitive." robin said

"Thanks to you it's already a rumor!" I yelled
"It's not my fault you draw like a girl but anyways your gonna be late for school." said robin "huh??? what do you mean?"

Oh gosh i'm gonna be late for school! i'm over her stuck daydreaming about my dream i'm gonna be late!

I took the clothes and went into the bathroom. I took a shower,changed, then brushed my teeth. As I was looking in the mirror I was grossed out by how i looked like I was going to a fancy dinner. I look at the time and i'm running a lot off my usual schedule.

I started running I quickly eat breakfast, grab Gwen then grab my backpack and quickly leave. I dropped Gwen off to her usual spot then run to robin since I see him walking


877 words
This chapter was about a dream Finney had last night. and how weird it was

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