The Trick or Treaters (2)

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Robin POV

I was so excited for halloween it's the second best night of the year! Christmas is the best because Finn likes to give hugs and he never gives me hugs, but their warm and welcoming and i just wanna hug him all day. I mean I love Finn and his hugs- no just his hugs it's gay to love him and gay people suck.

I was just there sitting and thinking on the sidewalk sitting down waiting for Finn.

"Hi Robbi" Finney said
"Don't call me Robbi." I said as i rolled my eyes
"Let's just go to school robbi :)" He said with the biggest smile on his face while helping me up "thanks du-" I tried to say before Finney pulled me in for a long hug. I acknowledged every last bit even if it was how he smelt today (kinda like his dad's cologne he made me wear on picture day) or if it was how many times he blinked (21) and the amount of seconds i blushed (18) but i don't like him-

"Robin u can let go now!-" Finney yelled
"AH why are you yelling?!" I yelled back "Because we were hugging for a entire minute!" he said as he rolled his eyes

R: "Oh sorry let's just go now-"

F: "Okay!" he said as he smiled

Gosh his smile was perfect his teeth were white his lips were perfect peach and glossy because he adds chapstick every hour on the dot. we started walking and I loved walking with him or just doing the smallest things with him it made my heart flutter

F: "By robin see u in 4th period!" he said with a smile

Crap I was daydreaming about him and i didn't notice we were already in the school I said my goodbyes then left to first period

Skip to 4th period

Finney POV:
I finally make it to 4th period I walk in the class a 20 seconds before the bell (luckily) and I sat down next to robin, after that nightmare I was kinda scared it would come true so when robin raised his hand I dropped something on purpose under his chair

F: "Oh crap can you grab that?"

R: "Sure princess"

I hate when robin calls me that, it's disgusting, it's disrespectful, it's horrible, it's stupid, it's horrendous, its- i'm getting carried away but luckily he grabbed it the gave it to me by then someone got picked Robin looked at me and mouthed "fuck u I missed my chance"

Time skip after school

I closed my locker after putting my stuff in and just waited for robin, he was taking to long so i just went to his locker and-


I jumped out of the shadow and scared his ass, he screamed so loud the entire school was staring and then he swung at me we both fell to the floor

F: "Oh gosh- sorry- i'm so sorry- are you okay?"

R: "OW- damn your strong" I said as i held my eye from the pain

F: "Here i'll help you up" Finney explained as he was getting up, then he took out his hand to help me up I took the hand off my eye and grabbed is hand and he pulled me up halfway before-

F: "AAHHH OH MY GOSH YOUR EYE" and let go of my hand causing me going straight to the floor.

R: "ow."
He kept apologizing over and over and I got up myself and walked to the bathroom to see what was wrong, I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror and my eye was bleeding- MY EYE MY BEAUTIFUL EYE

F: "sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry"

R: "shut the fuck up."

F: "sorry-"

I grabbed Finn by his waist and pulled him close then said "why did you do this to me princess :("

F: "WAIT I HAVE A IDEA" he said before he grabbed my hand and started running to his house he opened the door and told me to stay out after about 3 minutes he came out with a small hand bag it looked like he took from gwen and sat me outside in the front then he started putting something on my my face for about 30 minutes then gave he  me a outfit to change into a halloween outfit it was good size fit me because his dad got a bigger size that didn't fit him, so he gave it to me

I looked in the mirror and I was a dead ninja and he was a astronaut, I loved trick or treating with him it was so much fun.

780 words
This chapter was about how robin scared the living heck out of finney and robin got hurt because of it, so finney made robin's halloween a popular action figure that had a bruise like his

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