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"Can I go with you?" Izuku said, watching Katsuki grabbing his things. "Yeah of course- come on." Izuku smiled and grabbed his shoes and phone and other things, and off they went. When they arrived at the school, Katsuki went to his office first, and Izuku followed. He didn't realise all the teachers had offices. "Mmm Katsuki.." Izuku said as he smiled. Katsuki closed the door behind them, smiling back. "Yes, sexy?" Izuku bit his lip, but not being able to hold back his smile. "Cmere and kiss me?" Izuku said, gently tugging Katsuki's shirt. Katsuki chuckled and held Izuku's face, pulling him in. Izuku clung to Katsuki's shirt as they kissed. Then Katsuki pulled away, "I got work I have to do before class.. so I'm gonna do that kay?" Izuku sighed and nodded, disappointed. Katsuki started doing his work, and because he's a teacher they showed up so early, Izuku still had another two hours till he could go to class.


Only thirty minutes later, Izuku still was very bored, and the blonde wasn't paying him any attention. Izuku groaned, rolling his eyes. He was over it. So he stood up and walked to Katsuki's side. Katsuki noticed him but said nothing, focusing on his work. Izuku knelt by his ear, whispering "Katsuki~ I'm bored.." Katsuki paused, dropping his pen. He turned his head to the greenette who was already blushing, and he couldn't help but not care about work anymore. So he turned his chair to Izuku, who smiled and got closer. Katsuki helped Izuku onto his lap, for once innocently, not knowing Izuku's intentions once again.





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