Chapter 5

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It was nearing one in the morning by the time they pulled into the back lot of the 21st Precinct and Tess was starting to get tired. Still she took it in, this place she'd heard so much about, and found herself admiring it; something about the worn brick and flickering fluorescent lamps seemed homey to her.

She waited for Jay to come around to her side as they parked, knowing he would want to help her down, and there was another moment as he opened her door, another flash into the past and this time just because she could, because she wanted to, she raised her brow at him. The spark that lit in his eyes as he stepped closer and gently lifted her filled her with joy, but the way his fingers trailed as he set her down had her reminding herself there was a line they needed to keep drawn. She knew he would never intentionally hurt Hailey but emotions were high right now and as much as she still loved him the last thing she wanted was to hurt anyone. So as much as it hurt her, as loud as the voice inside her cried that they were meant for each other, she would keep that line. Thankfully she didn't have to answer the questioning look he sent her way, both of them staying quiet as they followed Voight to the back door, almost when a voice called out through the darkness.

"Seriously Hank?"

It took her a second to recognize the man storming towards them but as he came closer she realized it was Chief Lugo, head of CPD's Bureau of Organized Crime. And he looked pissed. His hair was askew, his clothes rumpled like they'd been hastily thrown on, probably after being woken from a call from headquarters. Word must travel quickly here. Or maybe just when Voight's team was involved. Speaking of the Sergeant he seemed to have noticed the same thing because when she glanced at him she found a small smirk on his lips.

"We wake you up Chief?"

His superior gave a very unimpressed look. "You take on Igor Kuznetsov and you don't tell me? You don't even use backup!?"

"That's on me sir." She interrupted before things could escalate, stepping up next to Voight and Lugo paused and looked between the three of them.

"Who is this? Who are you?"

"Theresa Danvers. Former SAC."

She smiled in that way that agents did until a familiar look of resignation crossed his face. Everyone got the same one when they realized they had to deal with the agency. Even better in her opinion was the look when they realized they had to deal with her. Lugo turned to Voight who simply shrugged and then he sighed, the fight going out of him as he gestured to the door. She smothered her smile and followed the two men, Jay a step behind her.

"Way better than Bronson." He whispered as he grabbed the door. She held back another smile and gave him a look, resisting the urge to poke her elbow into his side like she wanted to.

The image of a red line was vivid in her mind.

It was quiet as they made their way through the building, only the occasional sounds of those on the night shift completing their duties so she took the quiet moments to familiarize herself with it, and more importantly with Jay. This was the first time she'd been able to see him in the light and Tess couldn't help but drink him in; the powerful legs within his jeans, the strong arms and broad chest behind his dark blue Henley, the chestnut hair, freckled cheekbones and chiseled jaw. It really wasn't fair that he could be this good looking. She caught him stealing glances at her too but this time they didn't lock eyes, almost as if they were taking turns, allowing themselves and each other the chance to get adjusted. To let this new reality sink in. It was something she knew was going to take a while, if only because they had spent so long thinking about it. Hadn't they always wondered what their lives would be like once she left the agency? She didn't think either of them had expected this. At least not at first.

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