Chapter 7

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It was instinct that had her waking a few hours later.

Instinct and whiskers rubbing against her cheek. Her eyes opened to find Aelin perched next to her, her vivid green eyes filled with amusement as they flicked between her and Jay before she jumped from the bed. Her tail was alert, body low to the floor as she moved for the staircase and in a heartbeat Tess was slipping out from underneath Jay, taking a quick glance at his sleeping face before she snagged his Henley from the floor and silently padded down the stairs after her. The feline was better than any security system and had learnt how to signal danger a long time ago. Someone was here. Not someone obviously trying to do harm or the cat would be showing more alarm but it was still odd for her to get visitors, especially so late, though as she looked out the window she realized it was early; the sky to the east was starting to lighten and the clock on the stove showed it was just past five in the morning. A sudden flash of movement out the door caught her eye and she realized someone was standing on the dock. Several someone's. She grabbed the gun she kept in the sideboard at base of the stairs, one of numerous weapons hidden around the boat, then moved closer, clicking the safety off as she did. She wasn't taking chances. Not with Jay here. But as she got closer she realized it wasn't necessary. There was one man standing on the dock by her door, two others further back, almost a dozen yards away. On guard.


She clicked the safety back on as she opened the door, waving the weapon at him as she stepped out. "You haven't imposed on my evening enough?"

He just laughed. "I knew if I stood here long enough you would join me." He smiled at Aelin as the cat walked over and rubbed up against his leg, taking a brief lap around him before she headed back inside.

It was that smile that curbed her rising irritation. Tonight had been long, and she was not happy about being pulled away from Jay, but she liked Liam. They were similar in a lot of ways, right down to the raven hair and blue eyes, to the point that people sometimes mistook them for siblings. More than that they both lived in the grey area, had more friends than enemies, and put the work in to make that possible, and enjoyed flaunting social convention. Working with him was always fun and he'd been there for her personally more than once, which was likely why he was here now.

As if he could sense her thoughts he looked up and caught her stare, then gave a crooked half smile. "Found this outside the club." He said as he pulled her phone out of his pocket. "Heard you got dragged into some trouble."

"Not how I imagined spending my evening." She replied as she took it, quirking a brow as she leant against one of the beams. The breeze on her legs was cool but not unwelcome; most of her ops took place in hot locations so Tess was enjoying winters lingering chill.

"I also heard the police got involved. A certain unit." Liam drawled, his eyes running over her shirt before they flicked back to hers, brows raised. "Apparently Ivan is in custody and Igor is getting fished out of the port."

"Cops shot him." She said with a shrug. It was as much as she would say out in the open, even if she knew his men would never repeat anything.

He nodded. "I'll pass that along to Alexei."

"Make sure he also knows how this started. And that it's only because I'm still enjoying my post-retirement glow that I'm not looking for retaliation." If Liam could handle the Bratva all the better. They could be the ones to reach out, and would likely offer something for her trouble.

"I like when you get like this." His grin was so bright she found herself matching it but then his eyes flicked behind her and the sudden intrigue that filled them told her Jay had noticed her absence. And come looking. When Liam looked back that interest quickly faded, his face softening as he saw the warning on hers.

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