New Sheriff in Town: Sal

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There's a new sheriff in town, Salvador Kinney thought to himself.

When he'd arrived at Neither Here Nor There for the first time just over a month prior, he never imagined the next time he walked through the doors, it would all belong to him.

Being possessed by that creature sure paid off. He laughed out loud, startling a group of women at the table he'd just passed.

It was strange, though, that he no longer existed. As a human, anyway. When Phillip healed him, bringing him back from death's doorstep, Phillip hadn't anticipated he'd actually given away his power. As a young god, Phillip wasn't fully aware of his capabilities. Good for Sal, not so good for Phillip. Or so it seemed.

However, Phillip wasn't upset in the least.

"I only want Allison," was all he'd say as his men tried to persuade him to reconsider. Elvis had offered to reinstate him, but Phillip turned him down. "I just want to make music with her."

That left a managerial vacancy Salvador was eager to fill. Once E gave him clearance. There was a lot to learn, blah blah blah. But wasn't it just fabulous that Sal would now be able to pick and choose who was worthy of a contract? He had fantastic musical sensibilities and knew talent when he heard it. He could play just about every instrument, thanks to his grandmother who raised him and nurtured his gifts. All of them.

Being a Medium had been tricky to navigate as a young man, but he'd gotten better at it as he grew older and more experienced. His grandmother taught him how to listen, how to ignore, and how to manipulate.

When she died, she left him with nothing as the instruments had to be hocked to pay for her expenses. Penniless and homeless, he'd luckily been able to use his otherworldly connections to get on with Warped Tour, which had been a blast. But he was hungry. He'd wanted to be a star, craved the power that type of career would bring him. Now his power came from a much deeper source and it filled him with excitement.

Just what kind of trouble could a guy like him get up to with all of this?

Correction: What kind of trouble could a god like him get up to?

The world was about to find out.

Stay Tuned for more Rock 'n' Romance! 


More installments coming soon! Until then, visit my website at Thanks for joining me!

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