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Bruce's POV:

I wake up feeling great. I hope to see Vance at school more then just in the fourth period. I get dressed in some of my best clothes and get my brown school bag. I went down the stairs to my mum calling for breakfast.

"Good morning mum." I greet my mum as I'm giving her a little hug. "Yes yes to you too, but now come eat breakfast already. I bet you don't want to be late, do you?" "No." I eat my toast and orange juice breakfast, thank my mum and go outside with my dark blue coat. I unlock my green bike, I thenk take the bike and start going to school. It doesn't take longer then 10 minutes scene school is near me.

While biking to school I see Vance locking the door to his house. A little weird to think that Vance lives all alone, but oh well. It's really not my business. "HIIIIII!" I happily yell to him, he turns around and smiles. "Well hello! What has made you so happy today?" He asks while laughing. "You;)" I start laughing and biking faster and soon get to school.

Vance's POV:

I turn around and I'm surprised to see Bruce biking and greeting me. "Well hello! What has made you so happy today?" I laugh. "You." Bruce answers winking at me while laughing, then bikes away. My heart instantly starts beating faster as he does that and my cheeks turn red. I start walking to school blushing the whole time.

I'm at school and see Bruce's bike on the bike stand.
A little time passes and I'm going to my third period, biology. It's quite a boring class and I was actually about to fall asleep but luckily Finn tapped on my shoulder.
Finn is a really good friend, he sometimes helps me when I'm stuck on a question. I usually don't need or ask for help but rarely I really do. "Vance, you were about to fall asleep again." I shiver while putting my head up. "Thanks bro. Oh and could I talk to you after class? Its about Bruce." I wanted to ask him if he knows that is Bruce gay or just does he like boys, scene I know he's best friends with him and they both play baseball together. "Yeah sure." We both nod and get along with the rest of the class.

The class ends and me and Finney go into the quiet nook of the hallway. "So what's up? Is everything fine? I didn't even know you guys talked." Finn question's me surprised. "Well first of all yes I'm fine I think and second we know each other cause he helped me after the fight, well that's how I got to know him better atleast. The thing is that I want to know if Bruce likes uh- um you know, guys.," I ask Finn stumbling with my words.

"Oh. Well actually Bruce has his eye on someone from school for a long time now but he won't tell me who it is, but what I do know is that the person he's talking about is a he, so I think that answers your question." "Thanks Finn. See you around!" I say as I'm going to my next class slowly running, basically just walking with a little more speed. The next class is English, it's with Bruce.

Sence he sits behind me I think I want to pass some notes to him in class.
I walk into class and see Bruce sitting in his seat scribbling something on a piece of paper. I sit in my seat infront of Bruce. I decided to pass him a letter.

"What are you scribbling?"
I pass the note to him.

"Just something, and I'm not really scribbling, drawing to be exact:)"

I really wonder what he's drawing. Now I'm eagerd to know.

"Hello class. Today we'll be learn verbs again. Open page 36 to 37 of your workbooks and do exercise 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7." Mrs. Jill told us.

Twenty minutes after the teacher stopped teaching us verbs again the class starts doing the exercises. I'm doing quite well but stuck on exercise 6. I bet Bruce knows the answers to this.



"Do you have the answers to 6? I'm stuck on it."

Kind of a Pretty Boy isn't he? 💌Brance💌Where stories live. Discover now