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Vance's POV:

"Bruce is actually Pansexual. And I think that you two would make a pretty good couple from what I've seen." She looks at me winking while giggling a little bit.

Bruce is gay?
Do I actually have a chance?

I feel my smile grow wider then I expected and as I'm actually smiling I hear the elevator doors being opened.
Quite a long elevator trip.
But at the moment I didn't see it since I looked down at the floor most of the time.

We go out of the elevator and basically both speed walking while trying to find the room Bruce has been put in.

164, 164, 164..

Just keeps repeating in my head, the number of the room hes supposed to be in, while running my eyes through the numbers on the white fireproof panel doors.

164.. 164!!

"Mrs. Yamada! I found the room!" I tell her a little louder since shes kinda far away from me, but not too loud cause there's still patients here. "Great!" Mrs. Yamada tells me already coming my way.
I once look at the door away from her and quietly knock on it just to reassure the boy inside that we'll be coming.
I open the door and see Bruce watching TV.
"Bruce?" I try to catch his attention. Immediately I see him turning around as quick as he can. "OMG! VANCE!??" He gets all excited and gestures for me to come closer and give him a hug with his hands. Him saying my name makes my heart so warm it's crazy.

I walk over to his white hospital bed and give him a big hug because I haven't seen him in a while. "Ouch! Vance!" Bruce says pushing me away a little. "Remember that I'm still injured." He looks at me with a big smile while giggling.

Bruce's POV:

I'm calmly watching a random Indian show and eating yogurt on my hospital bed. It's actually pretty boring and the show has like so many random plot twists every second but it's this or the news.

As I'm watching the show I hear something but I just decide to ignore it. It's not like there's going to be a murderer outside of my door coming to kill me. It would be pretty scary though.
I hear someone coming in thinking it's just a nurse since they come to look at me quite often. I turn around and it's Vance.
"OMG! VANCE!??" I'm so so excited right now.

Did he miss me?
But for the moment it's whatever since the only thing I care about right now is that Vance is here and came to see me.

I motion for him to gome and hug me and Vance smiles as he does come closer. Vance is already with me and gives me a big hug. "Ouch! Vance!" I inform him with pushing him away a little.
"Remember that I'm still injured." I look at him laughing.

"Awwww. You guys are adorable!" My mum suddenly comes out and looks at us. I gave her a small sarcastic death stare and looked at Vance again. "I'm so so glad you came!" Vance smiles at that. "Of course I came! What do you think of me?"

We both laugh and then my mother speaks up: "I'll go and get myself some coffee from the machines out in the halls. Do you guys want anything too since I'm going already?"
"Could you get me some hot chocolate? Make it two." Vance looks at me and I'm just straight up staring at him.
My mum nods and Vance thanks her as she's already walking out of the room leaving the door open a notch.

"Hot Chocolate!?" I whisper yell at Vance as I'm still staring at him dumbfounded. "Never thought you'd like something like that to be honest with you." "Yeah I guess I'm seen as the though scary one." Vance chuckles.

"Are your injuries really bad? And do you have to stay here long?" He asks me looking worried. "No not really. Well I mean it really hurts and I have multiple injuries but they will let me out tomorrow. They'll just bandage me up and write me some medicines. I also have to rest so that is about it." I tell him. "Okay okay. I hope you feel great though." He answers me.

"Also Bruce.. Uhm. I would like to tell you something that I have kept for a while." Vance is now stuttering.
That's not very common in him.
"Yes? What is it? Are you fine?" I ask Vance and all he can do is look straight at the pastel sheet vinyl floor with a deep stare.
As he starts to say something my mum walks in all of a sudden.

Oh my god.
Why did she have to walk in just now as Vance was about to say something important??

"Hey hey! I hope I didn't interrupt something." My mum says laughing as shes coming towards us, somehow holding 3 cups. One coffee and two hot chocolates.
"Uhm no.." Vance tells my mum while awkwardly fidgeting with his fingers looking down at them. "Well that's good then." My mum holds the cups to us. "Here. Take them. You wanted them didn't you?" She laughs a little while we take the cups. "Thank you." Vance tells her and takes a sip.

We all are drinking our stuff before my mother says something again. I'm sitting on my bed Vance next to me on the side of the bed and my mum in a corner, high back hospital chair.
Me and Vance are looking at each other with the looks that the thing he wanted to say before was very important.

"I'll go to the car and wait there. Come down if your done here." She looks at Vance, standing up from the chair. "Okay. I will be down soon." Vance tells my mum looking back at me.

Rather shortly my mother then leaves and closes the door on her way out.
"What did you want to tell me before?" I finally ask Vance with a curious look on my face.

Vance's POV:

"I'll go to the car and wait there. Come down if your done here." Bruce's mum tells me while standing up from the random chair. "Okay. I will be down soon." I tell her, then I look at him.

Mrs. Yamada leaves and Bruce is turning to me. "What did you want to tell me before? He asks me out of curiosity. "Uhm you know.." I'm stuttering at him. "I don't haha." He's chuckling, very cutely.
"Well I just wanted to tell you that uhm..

I Love You.."

I deeply look into his gorgeous brown eyes hoping for a future with us.

"I have liked you ever since the day you helped me after the fight and I saw this side to myself that I've never have experienced. I have such a big soft side to you and only you. And I cant even fully explain the feelings I get when I'm with you or even see you. I just want to be with you so much and call you various pet names and I even hate doing that but you make me feel so amazing like I can do anything. You make me so so happy and even with the little time we've spent together I can fully and truly say that I Love You.."

I say all of that with tears forming in my eyes. And not even a minute later I'm slightly crying infront of him feeling pathetic because of it. Not because I confessed but because I'm just sitting here crying infront of Bruce.

The Love of My Life.

1310 Words


The reason I didn't post was because I wanted to rest on spring break and school is so so stressful and I have so much work. I won't be posting too much but please don't loose hope in me!!
Thank you guys!!!!!
Love you all from the bottom of my heart!!!💗💗💗.

Kind of a Pretty Boy isn't he? 💌Brance💌Where stories live. Discover now