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Bruce's POV:

"Can I take the blanket?" Vance asks me lookimg cold. "Yeah sure." I answer him. Cause why would I just let him freeze. I trance back and point to the blanket he can take.
I watch while Vance grabs the blanket and starts taking it off the bed.
I see the hoodie under there.


He's going to know and I don't even have an reasonable explanation besides that I cried on it the whole night.

"Hey Bruce uhm. Why is that hoodie there beside your pillow? Every other clothing item that you own is in your drawers." Vance asks me confused. All I could do was just freeze. What am I going to say to him. I'm in deep shit right now.
God I just have to say something or I'm going to seem more and more weird. I think to myself just looking at Vance.

"Oh uhm uh. You know. I just got cold. That's that, it was a cooold night.." I finally get something out even if it sounded really awkward.
"Okay yes it was a cold night I guess but you have a fleece blanket and it's right there." Vance questions me pointing at the sage green fleece blanket at the end of my bed.
Now I have less things to say to him that would explain this situation. I just sit there in silence for some seconds.

"Well the hoodie had the hood and my ears were cold haha." I tell him not so smoothly. "Alright then. I believe you. Just so you know that I wouldn't even be mad if you did sleep with it on whether it was cold or not. I mean it's not even mine, just my favorite." Vance heartwarmingly tells me while he had on the sweetest smile I've ever seen.

But did he really believe me or not that I can't say but I hope he did.

Vance's POV:

"Alright then. I believe you. Just so you know that I wouldn't even be mad if you did sleep with it on whether it was cold or not. I mean it's not even mine, just my favorite."
I tell him that even though I don't believe anything Bruce just told me. It's not really my business anyways.

"Should we continue with the movie?" Bruce asks me. "Yeah of course." I answer him. Before we start Bruce is starting to say something to me by facing my direction.

"Ooh, I just remembered something. Wait here." Bruce tells me out of excitement while standing up. He then runs down the stairs, and does something in the kitchen. All I heard was pantries closing and opening while there were some bag crunching sounds.
Bruce finally got upstairs with his hands behind his back. "I've got snaaackkss!" Bruce happily yells. "Ooohh greaat!" I tell him and start opening the bags. We now start watching the movie again. It is kind of a funny movie actually.

After the movie.

Bruce picks up the TV remote and clicks the off button while pointing the remote at the TV.

"I really liked it! It was such a great film!" Bruce looks at me smiling. "Yeah I enjoyed it too." Looking back at him. I know I've seen it already but it was still and enjoyable film to watch.

"Hey Bruce." My look gets a little sadder but not in a sad way if that's even possible. "Yees?" Bruce asks me looking a little worried. "Thank you for believing me earlier by the way."
"Oh yeah, I mean it's fine. I really really want to believe you but I already have trust issues so I have to get to know you very much to really trust you." He tells me looking away at the wall. "Of course. I fully understand you." I usure him softly cause I don't want to pressure Bruce.
"Thank you."

We both are now looking at each other and I fluster a little.
Bruce's face seems a little redish pink too? Was he Blushing??
It's weird to sometimes even think that I'd have a chance with Bruce. He obviously likes girls. But there's still a little hope in mind with me that Bruce likes me.
Guess I'll never know though.

After we've looked at each other for some steamy seconds I instantly look away cause I was blushing too damn hard and it would have been too suspicious if I'd just looked at him with a tomato red face.

"I'll start going home now. It's getting a little dark already." He nods and I take my stuff in my hand. "Wanna hang out tomorrow too? We could meet after school at the local Cafe." Bruce asks me while we're going down the stairs that have surprisingly soft stair carpet.
"Oh I'm sorry I can't. I have to go to the store that's far away to buy cat food. Olirex doesn't have the cat food my cat likes and besides the other store's cat food is cheaper."

"YOU HAVE A CAT!?!??" Bruce basically yells at me asking that. "I'm sorry. You have a cat?" He asks me a second time whispering.

He's too cute.

"Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you. She actually ran away for 1-2 weeks but I've had her for about 2 months. But then he astonishingly was in my kitchen last night." I answer Bruce smiling at him due to him smiling at me first waiting for my answer. "That's so cool! Well not about the part where your cat went missing, but I just love cat's. They're just so cute!"
He's talking to me like no one has ever talked to me before.
So excited.
I made him feel like that.
I feel so great right now. Everyone is just so scared of me.

He. Bruce Yamada.

Is not scared of me.. He really is my sunshine isn't he..

Now I really want cry for some reason. I never really cry. It's just "not my thing". I suddenly feel my eyes slightly turning red trying to hold back my tears. At least I have long bangs so I can kinda cover my eyes with them if I want.

"Vance?" Bruce questions me. "Yeah what's up?" I ask him spacing back to reality. "Nothing you were just zoning out. You okay?" "Yeah absolutely! And yes my cat is really cute." I answer him laughing a little. We both laugh and go out the front door.

"Bye! It was great hanging out with you today!" I tell him. "You too! You're the best person to hang out with!" Bruce tells me out of excitement. Now I just have to hug him. He makes me feel a way no one has ever. I turn around and hug him tight. Bruce flinches at first cause I hugged him very surprisingly. He stands there and then hugs me back. I felt like my life was complete with him.

I love him.
I love Bruce.

I probably say that often but I really do and nothing is going to stand in my way of saying it.

Bruce's hug was soft and warm. I just wanted to be there longer but I just couldn't. "Thank you Bruce." I smile at him and turn around waving slowly. A few seconds pass and I hear Bruce starting to say something.

Bruce's POV:

"Thank you Bruce." Vance tells me starting to leave. I see him getting further when I remembered something I told him before. "Oh and I'm not mad at you anymore!" I tell Vance loudly since he's not that close to me anymore. I see him turn around and gives me the most handsome smile ever.

I smile back and open the door to my house. I pick up some trash I left in the living room before and cleaned up in the kitchen.

Damn what a day.
I think to myself as I'm sitting down. Should I confess to Vance? Am I really ready. It could really end badly.
I think to myself again. I'm getting a little overwhelmed and stressed about this stupid boy crush. I'll just go to sleep. I hope that helps.

I'm going up the stairs and into my bedroom. I put some wrapping papers from the snacks in the trash and take off my close. I get into bed and smush my head in the pillow.

Soon after I fell asleep completely fine and thinking about tomorrow school.

1411 Words

Long one again. Oh and by the way I was just reading my story over the other day and noticed that I said Vance had an alcoholic dad and his mom did not care and then in some other story I told yall that he lives alone so sorry about that!

Kind of a Pretty Boy isn't he? 💌Brance💌Where stories live. Discover now