Chapter 15: A Dangerous Anger

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Hello all of you wonderful readers! I would just like to thank you all for all of the support you have all been giving :) Hope you enjoy the new chapter!


Chapter 15: A Dangerous Anger

Dameon heaved a sigh and leaned against the windowsill, staring down at the unconscious girl lying on the bed next to him. Numerous cuts and bruises were visible on her face, including a particularly nasty one on her forehead, but she was otherwise unharmed. Unfortunately, he could not say the same for Cyrus, who had a slightly bloodied bandage wrapped around his head, and a long, deep cut running down the length of his forearm that he was currently dabbing with an anti-infection ointment.

Besides the bed and the chair that Dameon sat in, Gloria's bedroom was not overly crowded. On one wall hung a Smart Vision, and on the other was a bookcase and a sleek desk, where Cyrus sat. The walls were painted a pleasant shade of sky blue - Gloria had always said it relaxed her - with crown molding that was a smoky gray.

Cyrus dragged a hand down the stubble that coated the lower half of his face and groaned, "My parents have been calling me non stop. They think that I'm with you at your aunt and uncle's apartment, and they want me to get home right now so that we can go Black Friday shopping at the mall. I don't even know what my mom wants to buy. My stupid Cuff is vibrating every other minute because they're texting me so often."

Dameon felt a small noise of annoyance escape him. His own Cuff was still jammed underneath one of the couches in the apartment that used to be his father's lab, half a country away. If he was getting any calls from Lavinia and Clyde, he was not going to know about it.

He glanced down at his own hands, and wondered for the umpteenth time why he could not see the blood on them. The blood of the rebel, Sylvia...and of the five other Harbinger and suburban rebels that he had killed as they had fought their way back to the metro Stop.

He closed his eyes briefly, and vivid images filled his mind. Lukas and Ray falling, falling into oblivion...Gloria slamming into Phaedra, saving her life, knocking her down to the pavement where she hit her head and lay unconscious at Gloria's feet...Gloria picking up Phaedra with a reluctant Cyrus helping...the journey, the never ending journey back to the Remotus Stop that had taken them through streets where the bodies of fallen rebels were practically piled up...the buzz of the drones as they soared overhead, flashes of blue as Enforcement scurried through every alleyway, weeding out any rebels unfortunate enough to still be alive...

The five Harbingers that had charged towards Dameon, Gloria, and Cyrus. Desperate, wounded, screaming bloody murder because their rebellion had failed as quickly as it had started. Holding small pistols aimed at Gloria, who had no way to defend herself with Phaedra in her arms.

Dameon hadn't even thought. Like with Sylvia, he had simply raised the gun and fired - once, twice, three times, and three of the rebels - one man and two women - had fallen to the ground. The other two had turned tail and fled...

He could have let them go. He could have let them escape with their lives. But something had snapped inside of Dameon, and a tingling feeling - sweet, refreshing, colder than ice - had filled him from head to toe; something beyond anger, a strange feeling that bordered on insanity. These stupid rebels had just tried to kill him and his best friends, they had been a part of this stupid, pointless rebellion - he had fired twice more. Two more Harbingers fell to the ground.

He had felt the rush of power once more. Who knew that he had such a knack with a gun? That he was so good at harnessing the power to decide who lived and died?

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