Chapter 20: The First Trial

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Chapter 20: The First Trial

The next day, after quickly stopping by at his aunt and uncle's apartment for a hasty goodbye, Dameon boarded the Metro along with Gloria, Cyrus, and Phaedra.

Phaedra gazed at the intra tech walls that showed the Pabulum agriculutural reserves zipping past, "I've never been on the trans-continental line before," she admitted, "All the Metro lines local to the NorthEast run underground. This is much easier on the eyes though."

Gloria quirked a smile, "Wrong - you did go on one of these once. When Dad was moving us to Newark, though you slept the whole way, which is probably why you don't remember it too well."

This made Phaedra laugh as she tossed back her head of glossy black hair, and Gloria threw Dameon a meaningful look. He understood what she was trying to tell him - ask now while she's in a good mood.

He cleared his throat, fighting to sound casual, "So, did you think about our - erm - discussion from last night?"

Just as he feared, the content smile melted off of Phaedra's face, but she did not look angry or annoyed; merely thoughtful.

"Yeah," she said slowly, "Yeah I did."

She turned to him, eyeing him in an apprehensive kind of way, "Like Gloria said, you were pretty convincing last night. I - I really want to help. I think your idea stands a real chance if you play it right - just the kind of thing that politicians would eat up, which would make it easier to spread. But I need ya to explain what ya said about using me to perfect it. I understood the whole 'ultimate test' stuff...but not really what came before that."

Dameon swallowed back a sigh of relief as the metro trans started to whip past another megacity - this at least was a question that he would be able to answer completely honestly, "When I say that I need to perfect the Enhancement Solution, I'm talking about making it more compatible with human brains, and hopefully getting rid of the death factor."

"Last night I read over the records from each of my prior investigations, and I think that at this point there is a clear way. I need to separate out the different components - factors, I like to call them - and try and identify the best ones that can be used to counter the death factor. So first I would separate the factors out individually, and then - you being willing, of course - I would test each on you in order to identify the individual effects of these different factors. Basically, the goal is to map out the best ways to make the Solution more compatible with human brains through examining the individual factors. Then once I think I've perfected it - but you said you already understood the 'ultimate test' step, so I don't need to go over that."

Phaedra had gone pale, but Dameon's gaze was on Gloria, whose eyes had narrowed. He could see the question rising to her lips, and answered it hastily, "I already know that individually, none of the components would cause death. In addition, to each factor that I test on you, Phaedra, I'll be adding a protein that would break down the factor within a 24 hour period, flushing it out of your system. "

Phaedra, though very pale, was clearly seriously considering the idea. Gloria tried to put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, but Phaedra shook it off. Finally she clenched her jaw and nodded staunchly, holding out a callused hand that Dameon shook.

"Fine," she said, though a small tremor ran through her voice, "It'll probably hurt like hell, and it's not like I like the idea of being your lab rat, but if it'll really help like ya said, I don't think I have a choice."

Dameon exhaled. There, the first barrier was down. Then he glanced sideways at Cyrus, who was determinedly pretending to read a book. Gloria followed his gaze, and sighed.

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