Chapter 17: The Solution

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Hey everyone! This really is the chapter that you've all been waiting for - I'm actually quite proud of it.



Chapter 17: The Solution

A little over an hour later, they finally found Phaedra thirty blocks down from Gloria's apartment, curled up on a bench. The moment they were within five yards of her she spoke, in a flat little voice, "This crudden city is like a maze. Ya can't find anything."

"Um, well, you kind of went in the opposite direction from the Metro Stop," Gloria said cautiously.

"I knew you would come look for me. Ya always were so stubborn."

Phaedra's face was sickly pale, causing her black hair and dark brown eyes to stand out in stark contrast. Her fists were clenched, resting gently on her lap, and she was not making eye contact with any of them.

"So, going to try and coerce me into coming back to your crudden apartment, eh?" she said finally. She spoke in a kind of exhausted way, and Dameon was surprised to see how just an hour had sapped all of her fiery energy.

"Phaedra - " Gloria began, but Phaedra cut her off.

"I don't think ya understand why I'm so mad - why any of us Harbingers were so mad," she said in a thick voice, "All those years ago, if you had stayed, they might still be alive today, they might've survived the rebellion. You're a crudden smartie. Ya would have realized - realized that - that there wasn't much hope. There never was to begin with, but ya might have saved us. All of us. Ya never realized how important it was to have a really, really smart person on our side. Ya would've come up with a better plan. None of 'em would have died."

Gloria's eyes were brimming with tears as well now, and she sat on the bench next to Phaedra. "You guys did pretty well on your own. It was a smart plan. It's just - there was never any hope to begin with."

Phaedra still wouldn't look up. "It was my idea for an attack strategy," she croaked, "Mine. I should have made a better plan. I should have realized that the protest might cause reinforcements to be positioned nearby. You would have realized! Dad and Lukas would still be alive if ya hadn't left!"

Gloria said nothing; a single tear traced its way down her cheek.

"Steele - he doesn't know, does he?" Phaedra said, "About any of it? But the other guy - Cyrus - does?"

Gloria nodded, "That's right," she whispered, "The only person that I ever told was Cyrus, back when I first moved here. When mom found out that I had told him, she went ballistic - said it would endanger all of you if people knew. I was trying to protect you."

Phaedra's clenched fists trembled slightly, "Well, ya might as well tell him now. I know you're not gonna leave, but I also need some time to pull myself together, and so help me, the last people that I want to be crying in front of are you three. Might as well occupy yourselves with story time. Anyways, I - " she choked momentarily, "See, I was shocked that ya came back. Angry that ya had the nerve to show your face when you'd betrayed us. I was even more confused when ya risked your life to save me. Me! And this past hour, while I've been looking around for a Metro Stop, I been thinking 'bout it, and I can't stop myself from hopin' that maybe there was more to the story. I'm still angry, but maybe I should give ya some time to explain yourself."

Gloria's mouth drifted open, and she looked to Dameon, as if asking for confirmation that Phaedra had just really said that. But Phaedra had turned away now gesturing at Gloria to start talking.

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