The Usual Conflict

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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕴𝕴𝕴: 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖀𝖘𝖚𝖆𝖑 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖋𝖑𝖎𝖈𝖙



Groveine village was bustling with the usual mid-day fervor. The square was no exception as people flitted around or mingled in the area. I, myself, was quickly making my way through it with a basket of recently bought market goods in my grasp. My earlier satisfaction from having successfully bartered down the price of a dozen eggs had waned due to some... unfortunate developments.

Now I found myself storming through the square with what I thought was carefully crafted calm composure. It was apparent that that was not the case as many of the villagers that I passed looked either highly intimidated or highly amused at whatever expression I had on my face at the moment.

The baker, who was of the latter disposition, had a smile that was as broad as his mountain like shoulders. He was exactly where I had seen him earlier when I had come to buy some bread from him, working diligently to transfer his quality ingredients inside his shop.

Never breaking my stride, I turned to him with a questioning look. The message was clearly received as he pointed down the street.

"They're over at Mr. Crabgrass' shop!" He chuckled fondly. I said nothing but inclined my head to show gratitude. He waved with a chuff of amusement before picking up another hefty bag of flour to lug into his shop.

Navigating to Mr. Crabgrass' was of no trouble at all. The village itself wasn't all that expansive, and the advantage of having visited it frequently over the years helped in memorizing the area. Though the sight of its broken window did give me slight pause, I wasted no other time in entering the antique shop.

The eclectic scent of archaic curios was normally one associated with a subdued and sophisticated atmosphere. This time however, the air was charged with the exact opposite.

"Took ya long enough!" Grouched Mr. Crabgrass, a cloying agitation coming off him in waves. I took note of the store's ensemble, sightline scanning across the tense form of him and a few mothers who stood beside their sons before halting on two children, a boy and a girl, in particular.

As soon as I met their eyes, the two flinched before lowering them with a guilty frown and an incensed pout respectively.

I ignored the glares of the others as I quietly walked over towards the two, crouched down in front of them, and established eye contact again. This lasted for a few seconds before Tulip breaks the silence.

"They started it!" She cried, pointing an accusatory finger towards the group of boys. At this, a commotion breaks loose.


"How dare you?!"

"You rude little girl!

"You were the one who started it!"

"I can't believe this-!"

I lifted my free hand, my call for silence being heeded as everyone shuts their mouths, albeit begrudgingly.

I never took my eyes off the children as I lowered my hand. I carefully directed my gaze over towards Tulip in particular. "Now then, continue." She nodded with gusto.

"Okay, so me and Aster was just mindin' our business and stayin' out of trouble like you told us to!" She made sure to especially emphasize that last part. "But then those jerks came up and started teasin' Aster for carryin' Pip around all the time and readin' a lot and stuff!"

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