chapter 3 - going into class

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date: January 10 , 2015
time: 8:20
description: the populars best friend that can get rude but is actually nice.

kians pov

as I entered class of course people were crowded around 'Jc Caylen'

he was my bestfriend and all, but he always gets attention. he's also very rude. especially to girls, he dates them, then hurts them. and when he hurts them he makes sure he hurts them really bad. he thinks it's a joke? what a jerk. I love him and all but that's asshole move

I still don't know why girls date him don't they know that he's a cheater and a player? are they blind?

I sigh as I enter the room

I went through the crowd and saw jc flirting with this lia girl. I knew that girl since preschool and she's so freaking annoying. she was the creepy girls that always gave out cookies each valentines day. she annoys me

many people gave me high fives and all , I was kind of popular since I was best friends with one of the most popular guys in school. but I don't care about the popularity

I sat down behind jc and just put my head down lazily.

"i hate school" I mumble under my breath

I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder , I turn around and see nash cameron's brother that doesn't really get attention

nash grier: he is camerons brother , that tries so hard to fit in, but fails. wannabe - jenns journal.

"dude kian you seem upset? I mean you shouldn't cause your of the most popular guys here" nash says chucking

"no, im just tired." I shrug

he chuckles "kian all the girls use those as excuses, im not an idiot." he rolls his eyes and chuckles again

"first of all I'm not a girl idiot! second of all I'm tired it's 8 am in the morning!!" I roll my eyes at him

he just sits down back on his seat.

after the rude teacher took attendance a name took my attention

jennifer mcallister?

who is that? how come she wasn't here last year? she's probably new. and why would she be absent? I don't know....

I just try to shrug it off , but I couldn't .

it was weird. I feel like I've heard her name before. but I just couldn't remember from where?


still kians pov
time: 9:08 am

as soon as the period 1 bell rang I jumped out of my seat and went outside class , I don't care what the teacher said but I left

I did hear screams.
they weren't cute ones. duh they were from the teacher

as I got to my locker to get my stuff for my next period my 'group' walks over to me

kians group:
- Jc Caylen
- Matthew Espinosa
- Cameron Dallas
- Jack Baran

"hey dude!! we've missed ya! where's jc?" matthew asks

matthew: kians friend, he's a big flirt he can get annoying but he's still very nice to the ladies - jenns journal

"yea where is he? did he leave school already?" jack chuckles

jack: a football player that's thinks he's the shit when in reality he's just a fuck boy with tattoos. - jenns journal

"no, don't think so. probably he's too busy because a whole lot of people are crowding him. or he's probably fucking a girl in the janitors closet" I blurt out

"is kian jealous?" Cameron laughs

cameron: he's funny and teases people a lot. he can get really really rude if you piss him off - jenns journal

"no, it just gets annoying after a while." they all started laughing for no reason

there idiots
the bell rings

I left them.

why do I feel bad? why do I feel this tingly sensation that I hate? Am I jealous of jc? because i never get jealous.

I just shrug it off and go to my second period class


time: 9:08
jenns pov

I should at least go to my second period right? because in second period they never take attendance only in first..

I put on my backpack which is plain black, of course.

and walk to my second period class hoping no one will crash into me . I've been to this school for 1 year and no one knows who I am thankfully

as I slowly walk behind everyone to my class I find the class

I sigh in relief and went inside covering my face with my hair.

I might look creepy but it's better than nothing.

as I get in I hear laughs and people talking.

are they laughing at me? are they talking about me

I start to lose it and just run to the seat in the very back.

i just get down my seat. and cover my face with my hair.

I get out my secretive journal and start to jot down how I feel which is making me feel better. it always did , and always will. jotting down how you feel makes you feel like you have someone to talk to.

*if you deal with depression or anxiety , I recommend you to write down your feelings in a journal if you feel down trust me it will make you feel better:)*

then more people came , my anxiety levels were getting higher.

someone sat near me.

which made me put my journal away.

I clenched my fists.

and covered my face more

at this moment I couldn't breath properly.

I tried , but I couldn't breath.

I huffed quietly, and that's when the person next to me got there attention to me.

at this moment , I just wanted to leave this class.

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