chapter 19 - trouble

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Jenns Pov

while me and lauren got off my new car
I saw a whole bunch of stares:
the jealous stares
& the in love stares

lots of boys whistled and screamed lots of compliments that honestly disgusted me boys only like you because of your looks

we managed to get through the crowd and go inside the school building

I saw kian and his friends staring at me I just smiled at them

I quickly walked to my 1st period class with lauren by my side
this is the only class I have with her sadly

I thought to myself a lot and wondered about the date I'm having with kian and jc
I don't think I should let jc come but at the same time I want him to come
he's a fuckboy
he's a fuckboy
I don't like him
I don't like him
I repeat in my head

I don't know what to do
kian asked me out and I think it's pretty harsh to bring jc in our first date

I sigh loudly which makes lauren question me "what's wrong jenn?"
I turn around and see lauren look at me worriedly

"nothing I'm just tired" I shrug as we enter the classroom
lauren still looked worried "cmon lets go sit down on the very back!" she whisper shouts and points at the very back
I just nod

after we sit I see jc and all the populars staring at me
there in this class?


Lauren's Pov

I was worried
jenn was acting weird and I didn't like it
so I decided to write her a note when the teacher wasn't looking:

'jenn tell me what's wrong? you're acting weird please tell me' I write it in horrible letter but I know she will understand it

the teacher starts writing something on the board
and that's when I quickly throw the note to her
but it falls to the floor next to her
I sigh
"psstt jenn!" I whisper shout to her

"yes lauren? I'm not jenn but I can still help you" the teacher responds with his hand on his hips

I fake smile

I look down on the note on the floor and the teacher raises his brow
he's smirking
"hand me the note! and let jenn come and read it for me so the whole class can hear" the teacher fake smiles at the both of us

"bitch you got me in trouble" she mumbles while she goes up to the class

I tried so hard not to let a laugh out

"woah ms mcallister don't cuss in my class room!!!!!" the teacher screams which makes the whole class jump

her face is priceless

jenn laughs
"it's not funny jenn! you're getting in trouble in the second day of school? what a bad girl!" he shouts again

jenn just smirks
what a bad girl


Jenns Pov

all the popular people are in this class
which made me kinda nervous
"now read the note mcallister!" he stomps his foot

I laugh and stare at his shoes "what are thooooosee!!!??" I point to his shoes
I laugh so hard while the rest of the class laugh too
at this moment I think my face is red and my stomach hurts because of how much I'm laughing

I look at kian and his group and I see them staring at me not even laughing
they just stare at me

what's wrong with them?

I look over to the teacher
he has the weirdest face

"what's up with your face? needa little makeup?" I fake smile
"don't worry I got my bag of makeup in my backpack want me to go get it for ya?" I point to my seat getting ready to walk over there

he took a hold of my wrist "YOURE IN BIG, BIG TROUBLE JENNIFER!" he screams

"It's jenn sir" I mumble
"whatever get your backpack and let mr lawley take you to the office" he glares at me


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