Two: It's Complicated!

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It's already my second week here and Abba's children have been so nice to me. Although I haven't met them all but so far there's nothing to complain about.
There's the first Dahir who I still haven't met then their second Mutassim, the third Jafar, the fourth Laura, the fifth Fadila and the last Farouq.

So far the kindest has been Mutassim and Laura, they're so alike, they talk a lot and they have outgoing personalities.

Ya Malik suggested I do my NYSC instead of sitting idle so while that is being processed I like to help Mami at with her shop. She sells laces, Ankara and everything of the sort. It's a huge shop and it's not far from home.

I was seated in the living room watching with Farouq. He's actually really tall, taller than all his brothers except Dahir. He's also the baby, he hates it when they treat him like one but enjoys the privileges. He says he's 19 and he should be treated like an adult, I don't see that ever happening.

"How was the shop today?" He asks casually.
"As you can imagine, some women came fighting over a lace, they were even adding interest just to get it"

He sits up smiling at me "How much?"
"It was 300k but one raised it to 400 and the other even raised it to 580k".

"Damn, so did you sell it at 580?"
I shake my head "It's not my place to. I gave them Mami's number and told them to call her themselves. I don't like stress".

"Nobody does" Bashir says when he walks in.
Bashir is their cousin, he's Jafar's mate, he's 26years, they also have another cousin who stays with them, Abubakar, he's 30 I think, I only met him once. It's really a full house, that's what makes it even more enjoyable.

"What're you two watching?" He asks sitting across me.
"Nothing we're interested in"

He smiles "I have this horror movie in my hard drive, want to watch it?"
"What are we watching?" Fadila asks with Laura walking beside her.

"A horror movie" Jafar says walking in.
"How did you know?" Farouq asks curiously.
"Bashir has been talking about it all night"
"So will we?" Laura asks excitedly.

"Of course, why not?" Jafar asks.
"I'll call Ya Mutassim and Ya Abubakar" Farouq sprints out excitedly.

"Ya Dahir is back, you should call him too!" Fadila shouts.
Dahir? So I finally get to meet their infamous brother.
"So? Should we watch it?" Bashir asks me, they all turn and look at me, smiling.

It felt awkward "Of course, I see no reason why we shouldn't"
"Maybe you don't like horror"

I shake my head "I love it, I watched it all the time" my heartbroke remembering that Muhammed was the reason I started watching horror movies, we'd watch them all the time.

The living room was enormous, like massive but with over 5grown men it looked small. Laura, Fadila and I were sitting on one couch.

Mutassim, Farouq and Abubakar were on the carpet and then Bashir was seated on an arm chair, Jafar was spreaded out on a couch.

I got up and went to the kitchen to drink water but instead I saw someone bringing in packs of bottled water.

He was arranging them in the store, multiple bottles of dispenser water, bottled water and canned drinks. They like keeping things like that because of guests. They're so many people in this house so you can imagine the number of guests.
Mami stopped the guys from keeping theirs in their apartment because they have alot of friends over, some come to stay with them, so they take it and waste it. Some pack it and leave with them and the guys never care so she decided they all be kept here. If they need it, they'll pick the exact number they need.

"Can I help?"
He raises his head and looks at me. He's gorgeous, like he's a fine mine. From his beard to his physique. His body could make you shiver. Especially because he's wearing a t-shirt and three quarter shorts. I slap myself mentally, being with one hot shot destroyed my life, this one is probably just like him.

He continues what he's doing like I was invisible. Maybe he didn't hear me?
"You must be Ya Dahir—I'm Karima" I say awkwardly.

"Karima, what do you want?" He asks annoyed and completely uninterested.
I say nothing.
"Rima!" Mutassim says coming in, putting his arms around my shoulder.

"So you've met the big dog" he jokes, laughing.
I nod.
"Come on, don't be shy, he doesn't bite"

I smile.
"You two getting to know each other? He's the only one you haven't met"
I nod "I just came to get some water".

He nods and opens the fridge and retrieves a bottle of water, he hands it to me "Here you go".

I turn around to leave but he stops me "Weren't you two talking?"
I shake my head and smile "I was talking alone"

I nod and smile "I should go, I don't want to miss the killing"
He starts laughing so hard, I didn't think it was that funny. But I really like him, I see the way he is with the others, he's being extra nice to me. It makes me feel bad knowing it's all just pity but at least they don't ask about it and they treat me equally.

He has an addictive laughter so I ended up joining him.
"okay, you should watch".
I nod and walk out.


Mami sent me on an errand.
She's making something, she says she'll tell me what it is when I get back, she even asked me to help her.

Before my marriage I loved doing everything, I loved listening to music, I loved watching, I loved wearing clothes, buying them, I loved cooking and baking, I loved talking but Muhammed took the fun out of everything, he made me dread everything I do and eventually I stopped enjoying them.

I know you're curious as to how that man broke me but you'll know soon enough. He's similar to Dahir, only a bit shorter and buffer. He's 6'2, he has an average complexion, smooth skin, the most gorgeous eyes, the sexist voice and all that drew me in like a magnet.

He said the sweetest things, he didn't care how much he spent on me, he was perfect and I won't lie sometimes it scared me, it scared me that he was just so perfect. But I'd think at least he had one flaw, he wasn't really a patient man but he was to me. I thought to myself if this isn't a sign from God to marry him then what is?

I was stupid.

I was going to go myself but Mami insisted on going with someone.
She called him and they've been there for a while now.

He doesn't like me and I don't understand why. I never did anything to him so what's with the ill treatment?

He comes out looking as he normally does, passive. He's not looking happy neither is he looking sad, just passive.

He gets in the car and I took it as a sign to get in too.
He didn't say anything so I didn't either but I'm a curious person, a person doesn't like me, I want to understand why.

"Why do you despise me?"
He stays quiet.

"I don't despise you"

"You hate me"
"I think I have a valuable reason to"

He huffs annoyed "Look, Karima or whatever your name is, I am already really annoyed that Mami asked me to do this, don't make it more frustrating"

"I'm just asking"
"Then don't ask"

"So you just despise me?"
He ignores me.

He ignores me.

"Are you going to keep ignoring me?"
He says nothing.

I huff and look out the window.


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