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"A good Navy is not a provocation to war. It is, [rather], the surest guaranty of peace..."
- Theodore Roosevelt, 1902

"...a powerful Navy we have always regarded as our proper and natural means of defense; and it has always been of defense that we have thought, never of aggression or of conquest. But who shall tell us now what sort of Navy to build? We shall take leave to be strong upon the seas, in the future as in the past; and there will be no thought of offense or provocation in that. Our ships are our natural bulwarks..."
- President Woodrow Wilson, 1914

"...for in this modern world, the instruments of warfare are not solely for waging war. Far [and] more importantly, they are the means for controlling peace. Naval officers must therefore understand not only how to fight a war, but how to use the tremendous power [...] to sustain a world of liberty and justice, without unleashing the powerful instruments of destruction and chaos that they have at their command..."
- Admiral Arleigh Burke, 1961

"...[and] to get to them, you have to get past us."
- 1st Fleet VADM Jackson McCain, 2021

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