Chapter The Fourth

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Pretty much the same as last time, except I'm including a time skip.

Without the time skip, this chapter would be too short, so short that it pained me.

I tried to make it a whole chapter, but I drastically failed.

Like, barely five sentences, not even a paragraph!

Just to let y'all know.

Moving on.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

Tails wondered as they struggled through waist-deep snow hours later.

"I don't think we're going to get very far in this storm Sonic!"

She observed worriedly.

"Okay, we'll just find a ski lodge or something."


The dance battle was going extremely poorly.

The champion guy was doing an amazingly skillful traditional dance, and when Sonic and Tails tried to copy it, they just fell over.

Drastic fail.

Tails was starting to panic and it was looking hopeless.

But then Sonic had an amazing idea.

He zoomed to the boombox (Idk what to call it so it's a boombox XD), plugged in his phone, then zoomed back and shoulder-bumped Tails.

"C'mon pal, I got an idea."

Then he started dancing while Tails looked confused.

"They called us freaks, so let's get freaky!"

He offered his hand.

Tails hesitated.

"Just follow my moves, you'll be fine."

Nodding determinedly, she took his hand.

(Watch this, I'm lazy. Sue me XD)

(But seriously, that scene at the end! XD)

"That was amazing Sonic! I didn't know you were such a good dancer!"

"You and I both know I couldn't have pulled it off without you, pal."

Tails shyly smiled.

"Do you really mean that?"

Sonic was confused for a moment.

"Uh yeah..? I mean, it's not like I have awesome backup dancers in my pocket at all times."

Tails shook her head, giggling.

"No no, not that. I mean, you called me your pal. Do you mean it?"

Sonic gave her a gentle smile.

"Of course buddy."

Tails grinned, then hugged him.

"Woah, coming in hot."

Sonic said, trying to joke off his obvious blush.

Luckily, Tails didn't seem to notice it when she pulled away.

"Growing up, I didn't have any friends. Everyone in my village thought my two tails were weird."

Sonic smiled gently, putting a hand on hers.

"I know that feeling."

Tails frowned sadly but then brightened.

"And then I saw you, the fastest creature in the galaxy! You were weird too, but you..."

She paused and looked up, smiling.

"You were a legend. And well, I thought that maybe..."

She smiled shyly toward Sonic, swinging her legs.

"Maybe being weird isn't so bad."

He smiled at her, then hopped off the bartop they were sitting on and walked over to the map.

"We should probably turn in for the night. You'll get better readings when the storm has blown over..."

He trailed off as he noticed the fluffy little bundle by the fire.

Tails was already asleep, curled up into a little ball with her namesake wrapped around her protectively.

Sonic smiled at the adorable sight, then covered her with a large coat.

"Get some rest Tails."

Pausing for a second, he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Then he curled up behind her, his cheeks blushing pink as he fell asleep.

What he didn't notice was, that Tails opened her eyes and smiled to herself, her cheeks the same shade as his.

She noticed that he didn't have a blanket, and frowned to herself, then brightened.

Tails unwound her tails from around her body, then swept them lightly over Sonic and laid them there, covering him like a blanket.

Tails unwound her tails from around her body, then swept them lightly over Sonic and laid them there, covering him like a blanket

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I'm sorry it's just too cute ;v;

Sadly, the adorable atmosphere was ruined when Sonic woke up in the morning and a woman was cuddling with him.

"Um, Tails? Tails, we have a situation here!"


I'm sorry, I'm sorry but...



Okay, okay, all joking aside.

How didja like it?

Next chappie coming out soon!

Peace Out!


The Speedster and the Geek - Sonic x Tails AUWhere stories live. Discover now