Chapter The Ninth

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Big battle Part Two! >:D

As Tails and Knuckles struggled to climb up the robot, Tails fervently wished that her helicopter tails still worked.

Arriving at the top, she took out two inventions, lasering a hole into the robot while she summoned countless hologram clones.

Once the hole was cut, she kicked out the circle of metal and flew in, seeming to interrupt Eggman's villain monologue.

"I know you're there, little fox!"

Eggman taunted smugly.

"Then you know I'm taking you down!"

Tails bluffed confidently, going in after several of her clones.

They surrounded him, and started laughing, taunting him.

He growled and shot lightning, soon realizing that a single hit to a clone made the clone poof out of existence.

Then he shot lightning everywhere and exploded all of the clones, hitting Tails in the process.

She felt a large electric shock journey through her body, but she ignored it, keeping her eyes on Eggman.

He soon spotted her and raised his hands for more lightning.

"If you're truly 'all-knowing,' then you know I'm just the distraction."

Tails grinned painfully at him, her vision tinted green from the Master Emerald's electricity.

Eggman turned around to see Knuckles.

"I am also a hologram!"

He shouted, waving his arms.

Tails just sighed and facepalmed, then winced and shook her head.

She happened to miss Eggman's response, but she was jolted back to reality when the giant robot flailed around and launched her and Knuckles out of the robot.


Tails screamed as she fell.

As she slammed to the ground, she was catapulted back in her memories to an almost identical time.



A young Tails slammed into the ground after being knocked down during a sparring match.

As she struggled to get back up, disappointed whispers echoed in her ears from the crowd.

"Look at her."

"What a disgrace."

"Two tails, can't fight, what next?"

"Such a waste of space."

Hissing to herself and fighting back tears from the pain, Tails pushed herself up and forced herself to stand.

"Again. Hit me again."

She growled at her sparring partner, raising her fists.

Her sparring partner, a burly red fox twice her size, smirked at her and reared for another punch.

In what felt like several minutes, but was barely a second, Tails analyzed her opponent's posture and weak points, then zipped close and attacked him where he was weakest, then zipped away and watched him fall as time resumed its usual speed.

The fox crashed to the ground, groaning, and Tails looked to the crowd hopefully.

Their disappointed faces sent her hopes spiraling to the dirt and her ears and tails drooped sadly.

End of Flashback

Tails opened her eyes and groaned, then pushed herself up and swayed on her feet, blinking painfully and wincing as her battered body moved.

She looked around blearily, then jolted in surprise at the giant robot arm laying mere feet from her and Knuckles.

That was close.

She thought, then looked around hopefully.

If the Eggbot was here, then Sonic must be nearby!

Then the supposedly-inanimate hunk of metal screeched as it moved, causing Tails to quickly grab the still-unconscious Knuckles and drag him to a safe distance away so he wouldn't get stepped on.

After doing that and taking a short breath (Man that dude is heavy!) she followed the robot's gaze and gasped.

Battered, covered in dirt, clearly injured, but still moving, Sonic was dragging himself toward a sparkling green gem.

The Master Emerald!

Tails thought happily.

She noticed Maddie and Tom in a truck, driving toward Sonic, but it seemed that Eggman noticed too.

He made the EggBot flick the truck away, thankfully not damaging it, but getting it far enough away so that the humans couldn't get back to Sonic quickly.

They won't make it in time.

Tails realized, dread sinking into her heart.

But... I can.

She narrowed her eyes determinedly, then zoomed forward and picked Sonic up bridal-style, just barely saving them both from being squashed.


Sonic mumbled tiredly, looking up into her pain-filled, dirt-streaked face.

"I gotcha Sonic. You're not dying on my watch."

Tails smiled down at him and in Sonic's mind, she had never been more beautiful.

She had blood on her forehead, her yellow-orang fur was matted with dirt, and her eyes were glazed with pain, but she was the most gorgeous creature Sonic had ever met.

Then the EggBot's giant foot crashed down behind them and broke the spell.

Tails forced herself to fly faster, ignoring the screams of agony from her tails.

The giant foot lifted and kicked out with startling speed, smashing into Tails' back and snapping one of her tailbones.

She tumbled to the ground with a yelp, accidentally releasing Sonic as she hit the ground.

He opened his mouth to yell her name, but he got cut off as he was swept up by Maddie.

A shiver of relief went through Tails' broken body.

If they can get a little further away, they have a really good chance of making it!

Tails thought hopefully.

Inspiration was taken from this vid <3

We're reaching the end!


The Speedster and the Geek - Sonic x Tails AUWhere stories live. Discover now