4. Ruin my life

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Years earlier

'Dae! Daemon! Get your ass over here!' Davina shouted Daemon sauntered up to her. 'father is being a cunt and I want to go for a ride.' Davina told him

'You want to fly away before we are destined to be stuck in an arranged married to two ugly fuckers that just want to be tied to the Targaryen name.' Daemon countered.

'You know me so well.' Davina coed

'You are my twin it's my job to know you better than yourself.' Daemon told her bringing his lips to hers.

'Why cant we be wed?' Davina questioned 'I don't understand.' She whined wrapping her arms around him.

'Neither do I. What happened to keeping the bloodline pure?' Daemon agreed

'They are going to ship us off to the ends of the earth and I'm never going to see you again.' Davina whimpered against him.

'I know love.'

'I can't never see you again. That would kill me. It would kill me.' Davina told him

'Me as well.' Daemon assured.


'Who the fuck is rhae royce?' Davina questioned

'The lady of runestone.'

'What the fuck is that?' Daemon agreed

'You know the armor, the ancestral bronze armor of House Royce.'

'Those cunts.' Daemon remarked.

"Why does he have to marry?" Davina questioned. 'why her?'

'You will do your part as well.'

'No the fuck I wont.' Davina assed.

'Davina dear, don't fight me on this.'


"Davina.' Viserys sneered.

'Its not my fault that Fury didn't like him.' Davina said innocently.

'that is the fourth husband you have burned.'

'Yes, Fury... I am sorry about him.' Davina said she couldn't help the eye roll that came with it.

'Davina.' Viserys snapped.

'I am not fucking those cunts.' she spat. 'keep sending men my way though and Fury will continue to burn them to the ground the moment their slimy lips touch mine.' she had been married and married again and again but Fury knew the drill and none of her marriages were ever consummated. Viserys would ship her off and she would take one look at her betrothed and wish death upon them. They would be married she would wait until they were alone and Fury would come to the rescue. You would think after so many burning accidents that men would turn away from the princess but Davina claimed that Fury thought they were trying to hurt her and like a faithful dragon, he protected her. It didnt sway men, every one of them though that they would be the one to tame the wild dragoness. They were not.

 'that is enough.' Viserys spat.

'You are quite right. That is enough. You have been king for years and yet you keep tossing your only sister aside as though I am nothing more than a bargaining chip!' Davina shouted. 'I am more than a name, or something to mount. I am not a whore and I'm not a broodmare. Stop treating me as such.' Davina demanded.

'Davina,' Viserys shook his head mad at himself as well now. he didn't realize how he was hurting her. it was their job as high borns to keep going but he saw the pain in his sisters eyes. 'Davina I'm sorry-'

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