Why are you here

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       Third POV
As Britain keep shaking and his eyes also watering
, Soviet held him closer and gave Third a stare that said 'fuck off' and Third returned the gesture with a shit eating smirk and also replied to his stare,"Well i'm sorry if I can't be around my own house because of your tea obsessed boyfriend",Reich replies,still with his shit eating grin "Reich,I didn't say you couldn't be in here I asked why you didn't nock first.." Soviet replies sighing at the end. Well now Brit,just felt bad it looked like they already have all their life's together and now he just comes invaded it so he says the most  thing he thinks is appropriate for a situation like this,"I'm sorry... I'm really,really sorry", Britain says as the tears from his eyes keep falling down,along with his tears show's some dragon horns showing up on his head along with a tail,and the sharp fangs and let me tell you a dragon hybrid is really rare most countries ether become a bunny,hare,wolf,bear and if your genes are good enough you can become a mix of all of them...But if you have family member like Britain who is a dragon and was born a purrs blood dragon you when the time comes can also be a half blood dragon,and everybody around him showed their shock first it was Third "What the fuck how-how is that even possible!?" he says with a lot of confusion,then the usually level headed Soviet also loses his cool"I-i don't know what too say, Britain do perhaps...",he stops right there as he knows about Britain's family massacre and knows this might be a touchy subject he enrolling on,but despite this Britain answers "Yes...Wales was a dragon.. w-what of it..?". Britain's says a little weary since now....All eyes where on him...

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