Chapter Eighteen

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The next day Billy told Griffin he would go over so Finney went to Robins.

As Finney and Billy parted there ways as they were walking together at first, Finney made it to his house.

He knocked kn the door and Robin answered leading him to his room.

As they made it there Robin said his room was very hot so he was going to sleep on top of the covers and told him to ask if he needed to get up so he could get more blanket.

They were talking about the most random shit.
But Finney kept looking at his legs.

"Are you okay?"
Robin asked

"Yea? Why?"
Finney said looking back up

"You keep looking down"

"Oh, no I just am trying to remember

"Alright. But yea-"
Robin continued to talk about how- Finney wasn't even listening, even if he looked like it.

As Robin spoke he hand his hands holding his own thigh in a odd position.

Once Robin was down talking Finney intertwined his hands to his, and he remembered.

I- uh sorry"

He kissed him to think.

Was that it? Was that massive scar not actually from his leg banging against a table? It had to be.

It had to be the scar he spoke about the other day.

After the kiss Robin got up and said he had to use the restroom. He seemed very urgent to go but once he came back he looked distressed.

He was only in there for like a minute or two.

"You saw it. Didn't you."
He said standing in the doorway.

Finney said confused of the question.

"Did you see it or not?"
Robin said, seemingly anxious but also like..

"I.. don't know what you mean?"
Finney said with his eyebrows pressed together.

Robin slid his hands down his face dragging his eyes and mouth except when he took his hands off he looked like mad.

"Never mind then"
he faked a obvious sarcastic smile as Finney  thought he did something.

It was awkward between them for a moment. They were laying next to each other kind of in a cuddle just not talking or looking at each other.

"I'm sorry"
Robin mumbled
Finney could barely hear.
"I'm sorry"

"It's fine"
Finney sounded not mad but definitely not happy.

"No it's not I was just mad and I hate that stupid thing"
Robin said not realizing what he just said.

"What thing?"
Finney said, pretty sure he knew it.

"It's fine Finney I know you saw it. I shouldn't have told the the teacher anyway"
Robin said as he turned back to the tv.

How'd he know he saw it?

Finney didn't know how to reply. He was still mad. Why did he have to yell at him?

He sighed a deep sigh and ignored it. Ignored the way as he layed back down robins eyebrows pressed into each other and his lip raised in a disgust anger ish way.

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