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Soft music was playing as the warm sun shone through the windows. Zhongli was humming softly along with the music as he rocked the little girl in his arms. She was a few months old and had only just joined their family and Zhongli already adored his little girl. His other three boys, four year old Venti, two and a half year old Gorou, and A year and a half old Xiao played on the floor just nearby where Zhongli could see the three of them.

"Ajax, love, we've got an order here for a bouquet of Glaze Lilies." Zhongli called, his husband of only a month poked his head out from one of the aisles.

"You've got it, love." Ajax beamed, disappearing again into the aisle.

After a moment Ajax returned with the flowers, carefully taking his sweet little girl, Noelle, into his arms. Zhongli formed the bouquet, adding in some greenery to spruce it up a little. He wrapped some plastic around it, making sure the little packet for the water was attached before standing up, carrying it over to their cooler.

"What was the name on the order, love?" Zhongli asked, glancing over at Ajax.

"From your loving husband." Ajax smirked, moving over to Zhongli. He pulled the man he loved into a gentle kiss, smiling softly at him. "It's been a year since we met, you know. I came in here for a bouquet just like this."

"I remember. You showed up hours later, shot." Zhongli reminded him.

"Yes, that did happen that same day." Ajax shrugged. "That's not the important part though."

"I know, Love." Zhongli chuckled, kissing his husband again before setting the flowers in the cooler.

The door chimed as someone entered, breaking the two husbands apart. Zhongli was about to welcome them when he realized it was just Kaeya with Diluc in tow. Diluc left his brother's side, quickly running over to play with Venti and the other boys. Kaeya smiled softly at Diluc before making his way up to the counter.

"Hello Kaeya. Dropping Diluc off again?" Zhongli asked, smiling at his friend.

"Of course. I'll be back later tonight to pick him up as well." Kaeya added. "You've gotten the idea into Barbados's head of stepping away. He already did so little and now it's even less. We are managing though." Kaeya sighed, shaking his head.

"You're coming over for dinner tonight too, right?" Ajax asked, smiling at his friend. "Ayaka and Ayato are bringing their families too."

"I'll see what I can do. Perhaps I'll drag Be along if I can pull him away from his work." Kaeya chuckled.

"Well, you know you and your family are always welcome." Zhongli said in agreement with his husband, wrapping an arm around Ajax's shoulder.

"Well, in that case, I suppose I'll see you later." Kaeya hummed, waving to the two as he left, letting them get back to their work in their little flower shop.

Glaze Lilies (Chili Flower Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now