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Cute baby noah pic right?😍
*NEXT DAY* trigger warning coughing and blood.

I go to school trying to ignore what had happened yesterday thinking it was a one time thing like it would never happend to me again. But I was so wrong. I walk into my 4th period art class with the painting I was working on yesterday while I was unusually coughing up flower petals.

"Alright men and women, I hope you guys finished your paintings yesterday because they are due today, go ahead and pull them out." I search through my bookbag for the painting I swore I put in my booking before I came to school. I groan and just slumped in my seat waiting for the teacher to notice that I didn't turn in my painting.

"What are you waiting for Will?" The teacher had finally said. I sat up in my chair getting ready to get a 0. "I left my painting at home miss." I had finally managed to say. "Well then, you know what that means." The teacher had said, she walked back to her desk typing in grades and such, I slumped back in my chair again knowing that she was giving me a zero.

Then, the bell had rung and I had picked up my bag and walked to my locker in such a bad mood knowing that I might fail art class. I unlock my locker grabbing the textbook I needed for next class.


I walked down the hallway to my next class only to be disturbed by mike and el kissing in the middle of the hallway against the lockers like nobody was watching. Then, it all started to come back to me, like something was coming up my throat once again. I start to cough but I have to hold in the petals since I'm in school.

I cough and cough and then mike sees me and he stops kissing el to look at me cough my lungs out. "Hey are you alright?" What I had hoped mike wouldn't ask. I just nod and run to the boys bathroom to spit all the petals out because it felt like my mouth would explode with petals. I spit them out into the sink with a little bit of blood and I am still coughing them up.

It was more petals then last time though. I took sips from. The sink water and try to calm myself because I was starting to panic because I knew that these petals weren't going to leave Mr alone. I try not to cry because someone would walk in at any time and make fun of me unless it was one of my friends then they would rapidly ask if I was okay until I answered them.

I coughed and coughed until they finally stopped. That's when I couldn't hold it in much longer and ran into a stall. I started to silently cry in the stall begging that I'd be okay. That the flower petals would just magically go away and leave me alone, To leave me be. I kept crying and crying until the bell rung.

Shit. I thought. I technically skipped class. I quickly wiped my tears and left the stall and washed up my face in the sink and grabbed my backpack lifting my Hoodie onto my head so that one of my friends, el, or God no Mike hadn't see me like this and question me or mike asking me why I wasn't in class but still at school.

But unluckily, Mike spotted me and recognized my jacket and yelled my name. "Will wait up!" He said. I ran faster out shoving everyone out the way "hey!" and "watch it!" Had came from different people while I was trying to get out of the school and hopefully get home before mike had caught up to me.

Soon, I had ran too fast and mike lost me through the crowd of students and before I knew it, I tripped over something.


Flower Petals 💐(Byler Story I Guess)Where stories live. Discover now