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Hey guys! I've been trying to get more and more parts in and I thought you guys like the last chapter since Will and mike had Fianaly gotten together ❤


It's morning time and I wake up to open my eyes and see the prettiest boy in the world Mike Wheeler he was still sleeping but I didn't mind I just liked looking at him. Then, I sat up to look at the alarm on the nightstand next to us and it was 7:58 almost 8. "Goodmorning Will" I heard Mike said so I turned back around and I smiled looking at him and he leaned in for a kiss rolling us to the ground and he's now on top of me.

Then the door opened and nancy came in so automatically we sat up back in place but it was too late. "I knew it!" Nancy had said in excitement closing the door back and going back in the hallway. I looked at Mike and he just shrugged. Then I heard the door open again and it was Ted. Ted ran up to Mike and slapped him and they started to yell back and forth.

"You shouldn't be dating a boy, boys don't date boys!" Ted had said furious slapping Mike again. I just sat there not knowing what to do until Mike starting fighting back but Ted punched him and kept punching him so I tried pushing Ted off of him because Mike was passed out but he punched me making me cry because I was too weak to do anything.

"Ted stop it!" Karen yelled trying to pull him off. "Dad stop it!!" Nancy said also pulling him off of Mike. They both pulled Ted away onto the hallway trying to calm him down. Then I Fianaly got up to check on mike and his eye was bruised and his nose was bleeding and his lips were all busted up.

"Mike?!" I asked to see if he was alive but then I heard sirens and Mike started to get loaded up in a ambulance and I was holding his hand until they took my hand away closed the door and drove off. My heart was broken and I was frozen staring at the ambulance until nancy tapped of my shoulder and we got in the car following the ambulance.

Nancy was driving me because ms. Wheeler had to calm Mr. Wheeler down. I just kept crying and crying. I feel like this was all my fault because I kissed him. Why couldn't I just stayed normal why couldn't I have just not kissed him, why couldn't I just choke on the flowers. Why was I like this? I kept thinking and thinking until we stopped at the hospital.

Nancy unbuckled her seat belt and so did I and we ran in the hospital seeing Mike being strolled down the hallways of the hospital and I was holding his hand, I saw his eyes open a little wanting to say something but he soon was put in a room and I couldn't even go in.


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