30 1 16

Marvel or DC?


"Hey I'm sorry Mike your mom is really mad at you for not coming home after school and she needs you to come home please." My mom said as she held the door open for Mike. "Oh alright, Bye Will I'll see you tomorrow." Mike said smiling while walking out the door and my shutting it soon after.


I sat on my bed still working on my drawing since 10 o clock. It is now 3:24, I know I should be asleep but I can't help myself!! Drawing drawings of Mike all night just became a hobby I guess. All until I heard a thump at my window. I jumped a little then opening the rain covered window to see who it is thinking it was Mike but it was Jane.

I was about to close the window rolling my eyes but then she lifted it up. Surprisingly she was stronger than me.. then, she opened up thce window more so she could get in. "What are you-" I said but then she held up a gun to my chest. "Break up with up mike tomorrow before school ends or I'll kill you." She said making me start to cry and shake. "DO IT!!" "OKAY OKAY I WILL JUST.. PLEASE DONT KILL ME." I yelled out breathing hard and tears kept flowing and flowing.

Then she went back out the window shutting it behind her. That's when I got back in bed covering my blanket over myself scared she'd come back.


I walked in school shaking and keeping a look out for Jane but also not knowing if I should break up with Mike or die.. Then Mike touched my shoulder coming from behind me making me jump. "Hey it's okay it's just me.. are you okay you look really pale.." Mike said removing his hand from my shoulder then entangled it in my hand. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine just worried about the test." I said lying. "Hey kts okay your the smartest person I know you'll definitely pass." Mike said trying to comfort me.


Mike was infront of me in this class which I loved but it's almost the end of the school day and I really don't want to break up with him but i don't know what to do. Jane stared at me from across the room with "do it or your dead" eyes. It was 4:58 almost end of the school day and my heart was racing and I started to sweat. "Hey Will you okay?" Mike said looking back at me hearing me breath hard.

"Will what's wrong?" Mike said fully turned towards me at this point but I can't breath. I breath harder and harder and then I ran out the classroom and not long after the bell rung for the end of the school day. "Will!!" Mike shouted out but I kept running and started to cry walking into the boys bathroom and locking myself in a stall. Mike ran after me knocking on the stall. "Will just tell me what's wrong are you okay??!" Mike said worriedly until Jane walked in.

"Hey this is the boys restroom you can't come in here-" Mike said but was cut off once Jane pushed him out the way crawling under my stall door and held a gun against my stomach. "I TOLD YOU BREAK UP WITH HIM AND NOW YOUR DEAD BYERS." She said as she pulled the trigger but mike had gotten into the stall and manager to redirect the shot hitting the bathroom wall. I covered my ears crying as the shots went everywhere but me.

Even though my ears were covered covered still heard people outside the bathroom screaming from hearing the gunshots. I had my eyes closed until I heard a loud yell that sounded like Mike. I opened my eyes to see Mike on the ground with him arm shot by Jane. I cried and tried to crawl under another stall but Jqne pulled my shirt pulling me up to the wall about to shoot me but all i heard was a click. I started to try and get out her grasp.

"All because Mike loves you so much instead of my I'm gonna have to take you out the harder way." Jane said as she started to choke me with both her hands as I tried pulling her hands off and grasping for air. Mike about to pass out was trying to pull her leg o n the ground as hard as he could crying and yelling at her to stop. I kept trying and trying to pull her hands off my neck starting to loose air but it was no use as I slowly closed my eyes.


I held my arm in pain but started to see Will choke as Jqne was holding on his neck and squeezing him neck hard. My arm was eeing making me groan as I tried to pull her leg and stop her from killing him but I was too weak. I cried knowing that i wouldn't be able to save Will yelling at her to please stop but she wouldnt.
I kept tugging and tugging on her leg but then I saw Will stop trying to pull her hands off his neck as she let go of his neck and let him fall to the floor.

I ran over to him shaking him. He felt so cold I didn't want to believe it. Jane crawled back under the stall leaving the restroom as I heard police and administrators yell at her. I kept shaking Will and crying but then I checked him pulse and realized. I hug his dead body yelling and crying.

This isn't fair.

This part was 977 words.

The end.

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