Chapter 1

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Present Day

The quiet, lilting tones of a now familiar melody started the process of pulling him from sleep and he nuzzled into the warmth beneath him in response, frowning when a muted but undeniable buzzing joined it.

"Why did you have to make it do that?" He mumbled into Tess's neck, tightening his hold on her when he felt her chuckle, then tighter still when he felt her lips brushing against the top of his head.

"Because if I didn't it wouldn't wake me up- it would just provide an epic soundtrack to whatever I happened to be dreaming about."

Well that was true.

And the music was a hell of a lot nicer than his old blaring alarm but just like every time it went off Jay found himself wishing that they didn't need either, that they could spend every day waking up slowly and leisurely, with nothing to worry about and no responsibilities to rush off to. But unfortunately that wasn't the way the world worked so with a quiet groan he pushed himself up, slipping out from under the covers as quickly as he could before he tucked them back around her- just because he had to get up didn't mean she did. But the way Tess began to stretch told him she was anyway, moving with a grace similar to the feline who jumped off the bed at their movements to curl up undisturbed in one of the chairs in the corner. He'd now moved beyond just being used to Aelin's presence to genuinely appreciating it, she was just like his girl, a total sweetheart with a feisty side, though it did sometimes weird him out just how good her sense was of when certain... activities were about to take place.

"You know you don't have to get up just because I am." He said as Tess dragged herself upright, immediately getting distracted when she raised her arms above her head and started twisting to loosen the knots in her back.

It was rare that she went to bed fully dressed, and even rarer she woke up that way, and who was he not to enjoy the view when it was right in front of him like that?

"I know."

The amusement in her voice brought his eyes back to her face and he found her watching him too, her own appreciation at his undress clear and couldn't help grinning back at her, even as he put a concentrated effort into pulling on his jeans. "So what's the deal? You don't usually get up until at least ten. You got plans?"


There was something about her little shrug that caught his attention and the slight pursing of her lips that followed combined with the way her eyes flitted over him told him that she did, she just didn't know how to tell him about them.

She didn't know if he'd approve.

But because she was even more observant than him Tess smiled wryly as she leant forward, tucking the blanket under her arms before resting them on her knees. "I thought it might be time to introduce myself to CPD's new deputy superintendent."

That... was a hell of a plan.

It wasn't exactly surprising though was it?

Lugo already knew about her, not to mention Kot so it was likely Samantha Miller did too, and it wasn't like they were trying to keep Tess's existence or her involvement a secret anymore. And if anyone was going to get the new deputy supe on their side it was going to be her.

A memory rose unbidden behind his eyes, from just last week when his team had been watching her new speech together in their bullpen. Hailey had made a couple comments that showed her displeasure at how she felt the superintendent was speaking about police, 'calling us a bunch of unenlightened idiots' was how she'd characterized it but neither Kevin nor Vanessa had shared her sentiment. The latter he'd only been able to tell from the way her shoulders had tensed but Kevin... he'd stayed calm but he'd also asked her very clearly to reserve her judgement and listen to what the woman had to say, a fair request and one Jay was sure Hailey hadn't meant to dismiss, though she hadn't really had the chance because the moment she'd opened her mouth to respond he'd lifted his hand to stop her. It had been instinct, an action based on a relationship they didn't seem to have anymore but she'd listened to it anyway, probably also out of habit. He'd caught everyone giving him glances at the gesture but to be honest the only opinion he'd really cared about was Kev's, especially because it had only been a few hours earlier that his partner had pulled him aside to share his concerns about a cop car he'd found loitering by his vehicle, a concern that proved to be warranted when upon further inspection they'd found a kilo of heroin planted in the trunk. He'd tried to convince his friend to loop Voight in but he'd been adamant about dealing with it himself, though when Adam had walked in on them he'd had no choice but to explain.

Jay could still remember the look Adam had given them, the hurt he hadn't quite been able to hide that he hadn't been the one Kevin had gone to. And what about the look Kevin had given him when they'd been interviewing witnesses later that same day and one of them had called him a bitch? It hadn't really bothered Jay, alright maybe a little, his respect for the chain of command was deeply ingrained but what bothered him even more was being called a racist. He wasn't one, didn't believe in any of that crap but how much did that matter when the system he worked for helped perpetuate it?

He let out a sigh that was so loud it brought him back into the present, to where Tess was still staring at him, waiting for his answer. Not that she needed his permission but he knew she would hesitate to go through with anything she thought made him uncomfortable.

Jay gave his head a quick shake to clear it and finished pulling on his shirt before he took a spot beside her on the bed, grabbing her hand as he did. "I think that if there is anything you can and want to do, then you should do it. I trust you."

"Thank you." She replied softly, squeezing his fingers as she leant forward and placed a kiss on his cheek. "I appreciate it. However I do feel the need to point out that I have gotten a lot more diplomatic in my old age so I promise it won't be anything quite as... extreme as you may have seen in the past."

"I wouldn't care if it was. I like seeing you take charge."

She huffed and rolled her eyes, playfully swatting his arm when he started to pepper her face with kisses before finally pushing him towards the bathroom so he could continue getting ready. Jay would be honest, he was a little worried to hear how their conversation went, anxious more like it but he also knew that if anyone was going to be able to help them it would be Tess.

She always helped.

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